Not What It Seems Pt 1

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I'm sorry for the late update again. I'm thinking of keeping this book short, maybe a few more chapters I will add before ending it and continuing with the others. Don't worry, I'll make a poll so you guys can vote on who I should do next. Thanks for the support.

"Mmm... Leon~" You moan softly, sighing in pleasure.

"Yes Y/N?" Leon asks in his deep voice, looking down at you.

"Fuck, right there...~"

"Feels good there huh?"

"Oh yes~"

"Like the way I do this?" You nod your head up and down furiously.

"Yes, please don't stop~" Leon chuckles.

"Now why would I do that? Your noises are music to my ears."

"Please, move a little lower...~" Leon does as told.

"Right here?" You could only sigh and moan in response, causing him to chuckle again.

"Dammit Leon, your hands are magic."

"Well that's why I offered to massage you when you said you were experiencing pain Y/N/ " Leon said, a smirk clear on his face. You huffed, nearly wanting to kick his face with your foot.

"Ever thought of quitting at the agency and becoming a massage therapist? I would hire you." You asked, teasing him as he rolled his eyes.

"Not a chance Y/N, you are not getting rid of me that easily..."

"I just said that I would hire you, you idiot."

"Yeah but we both know most of your time is spent cooped up in that office filing documents on suspicious people, other bioterrorist groups and organizations plus visualizing files on leaders of these organizations which are currently in custody. Me quitting means you get rid of my fabulousness from the office- Not happening, I strive to annoy you Y/N." You growl, poking his face with your big toe, causing him to chuckle but not getting rid of that shit eating grin he has on his face.

"Get rid of that shit eating grin before I get rid of it for you."

"So fiesty, this is the reason why I am massaging you right now- You need to loosen up." He says, nipping at your toe before going back to massage your foot. You grunt in frustration, laying your chin upon your forearm. However, you couldn't stay mad at Leon, your long term friend and partner in the fight against Bioterrorism, for long since his magical hands moved up toward your calves, massaging and kneading at the tense knots there.

"Oh god..." You sighed softly in pleasure, causing Leon to chuckle from behind you.

"Yeah, you definitely needed this Y/N. I don't think I've ever felt so many knots in one place. How hard do you train?" He asked, curiosity lacing his words.

"I train in the extreme course."


"Because it's the one that best suits me." You could hear Leon sigh from behind you.

"Well. I could understand that. But, take it easy on yourself alright?" You hum and nod you head, too lost in the pleasure of his hands on your legs to give a coherent response.

Time skip...

"Woah, thanks Leon. I really needed this so... thanks." You smile softly, looking up at Leon who blushed faintly under your gaze.

"E-eh... it's f-fine heh..." Leon stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as he avoided your gaze. You hum and get up, holding the towel around your body tightly as you walked to the dresser to retrieve your clean clothes, walking to the bathroom.

"Well, I'm going to go take a quick shower and get changed. Make yourself at home while I'm gone." Leon nods and heads out of your room, where the massage session had commenced. You hum to yourself as you turn on the water to hot, watching as the steam started to cloud in the bathroom. You let the towel fall and stepped inside, sliding the glass door closed and began to wash yourself quickly. Leon busied himself with getting a glass of orange juice and sitting down on the couch, placing the cup on the coffee table next to the arm of the couch and leaning his head against the back of the couch.

After you are finished with your shower, you exit the bathroom and get dressed in your bedroom. You dress in your Pjs and brush your slightly damp hair. As you were putting your dirty clothes in the hamper you hear loud knock on your door, followed by various impatient knocks. You grunt and close the lid, slipping your feet into your F/C slippers and headed toward your door. Opening it, you see Leon there and you furrowed your smirk.

"Aww, just couldn't last that long without my company. Missed me that much? " you chuckled, the sound dying out rather awkwardly when you realized Leon wasn't laughing. Hell he wasn't even smirking-this made you furrow your brows in confusion.

"Leon, what's wrong?" You asked but he just looks at you.

"Why don't you love me like I love you?" His deep, serious voice broke through the silence after a few minutes of it. You look up at him in confusion because... Leon loved you?

"... Wha...?" He huffs.

"I'm tired of pretending Y/N, pretending that you don't affect me when in reality... everything you do makes me feel... I-I can't pretend that I don't have feelings for you Y/N..." His little confession left you speechless and he of course took this the wrong way because next thing you know, Leon is sighing sadly and turning around and bolting out your apartment. You stand there, looking at the spot Leon was standing in not too long ago.

"Leon... I-I... "

Annnnnnnd I'll leave you at a cliffhanger.

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