Agent Pretty Hair: Pt 1

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Hey readers, I wanted to thank you all for continuing to read this book and showing support <3 Remember that requests are still open :)

"Thank you sir, have a nice day." You say to the cashier, the young man waving to you as you walk out the mini grocery store. You were to busy looking into your bags to make sure you had everything you needed to notice a man, who ironically wasn't paying attention to where he was going, walking in front of you. Only when you both bumped into each other did you both realize your mistake.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and-" The man rambled on but you had zoned him out, not that his voice wasn't heavenly because it was but you were to busy getting lost in his actual features to really pay attention.

The man was tall, well built you noted. Making you wonder if he worked at the local gym which was in need of a new trainer or if he was an agent of some kind. His hair was a gorgeous shade of dirty blond, framing the man's chiseled facial features quite nicely. The man's lips were to die for, nicely plump for a guy and the eyes were even more out worldly to you. They were a dazzling shade of hazelish blue, shining brighter than the stars but that was probably because of the sun. He was giving you a slightly panicked/weird look now, he was saying something but you were too busy daydreaming. Was he waving his hands in front of your face? Yes he was, why? You had no clue.

"Ma'am? Are you alright? Crap, did I hurt you!?" The man asked, snapping his fingers in front of your eyes to get you to respond. His smooth, sweet voice reaching your ears when you finally decided it was time to leave your heavenly solitude and return to Earth. You shook your head, making him sigh in relief.

"You had me scared for a minute there, I thought I had hurt you. Um... uh... I wanted to apologize for bumping into you... " He says rather bashfully, handing you back your groceries, well trying to seeing as you were still slightly dazed and unresponsive. You looked down in confusion, when did your groceries fall? When had he bent down to pick them up?

"It's fine..." You managed to say, still mesmerized by this man's beauty. He smiled, making you feel like you were going to faint as he rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.

"Eh... I was wondering... if you would want to... get some... uh... coffee sometime?" He asked, looking anywhere but into her eyes, his tone sounding hopeful as he asked you out. Did you die and is this heaven right now?

"Um... sure." You simply say, not trusting your voice to speak full sentences.

"Great! How about tomorrow we meet up here, same time?" The man smiles, finally looking into your eyes. You smile slightly and nod.

"That sounds perfect, see you then...?"

"Oh, sorry I'm Leon S. Kennedy. You?"

"I'm Y/N." You state simply, taking his hand to shake as he held it out to you. He smiled sweetly at you, making your knees weak as he shuffled his feet.

"Well.. I guess I'll be on my way and... stuff." You chuckled, unknowingly making him blush a bit.

"Okay, see you then." He smiled and walked passed you, walking into the grocery store you just exited. You shook your head, a small smile on your face as you made your way to your apartment.

Time skip to next day...

You were sitting on a bench not too far from where you and Leon had met yesterday, humming a tune of your (F/S) as you waited patiently. You were honestly excited to meet Leon again, all the possible scenarios running through your head and making your anxiety sky rocket. The man was just too gorgeous in your opinion, making the thought of seeing him both enticing and nerve wrecking. You still stayed put however, you weren't about to back out now. It was better to give this a chance and see where it goes than backing out before it even had the chance to get good.

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