Welcome to Biohazard

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Please enjoy, leave any comments if you have Thank you! Also, Biohazard is the name of the bar.

You grunted in annoyance, watching as your friends yet again ditched you at some random spot in this godforsaken bar to flirt and grind on some random men. You sigh and turn around, lightly tapping your half-filled cup of tequila. You stared intently at the liquid, suddenly feeling slightly depressed that your supposedly "best friends" keep ditching you at parties and bars.

'Then why invite me?' You thought to yourself bitterly.

"Hey sexy, why the long face?" A male voice asked, sounding from your left so you look through your peripheral vision to see a fairly old looking man grinning at you with an almost predatory-like smile. You grunted, your face contorting in disgust as you averted your eyes back to your cup.

"I asked you a question sweetheart."

"Obviously I don't want to answer." You spit out, you E/C eyes narrowing as the male's chuckle reached your ears.

"Maybe you should have a little more respect for your elders."

"I don't respect sick old men."

"C'mon baby, all I want is to have some fun."

"Like I'd let you put your filthy hands on me. Leave me alone." You growl out in warning as he inches closer, the stench of his alcoholic breath assaulting your nose.

"Oh, don't be like that baby. C'mon, you must be bored sitting here all by your lonesome so why not-"

"I believe the lady told you to leave her alone. Beat it before I make you." Another male's voice reached your ears, coming from right in front of you. You looked up to see a very *Cough*extremely*Cough* attractive young man glaring daggers at the elder male next to you, a cloth in hand as he cleaned the glass in the other. The older male snorted at the threat before catching himself gulping as the younger man's glare intensified.

"Fine, I'll go find some fun elsewhere." He grumbles and walks away. You turn to the bartender, giving him a nod in gratitude.

"Thanks for that..." The man's glare diminishes into a soft and friendly gaze, smiling at you.

"Leon. And no problem, I could tell he was bothering you." You nod, flashing him a small smile before turning back to stare at your drink, watching the condensation liquid drip down the cup.

"Want to talk about it?" Came his voice again as.


"You look sad, a beautiful woman like you shouldn't be looking so down." He smiled softly at you, making you blush as you noticed how close he was now.

"T-that's alright... I'm fine." You lie, looking away.

"C'mon, who do I have to beat up?" He joked, causing you to chuckle.

"No need Leon, I'm just upset about something my friends did." The male frowns and nods.

"The case of fake friends huh?" You nod, watching as he wiped away at the counter.

"Yeah, they invited me here for a "girls night" but then they ditch me to go flirt with some strangers." You shake your head, scoffing at the mere mention of them. You honestly didn't know why you were friend with them anymore.

"They don't deserve you if they're so willing to ditch you and leave you all alone in a bar. What if I hadn't shown up in time to stop that man? They just leave you alone in the face of danger. I hate people like that." He says and you could tell he was mad about the whole situation which really warmed your heart. You reach over and touch his hand, making him look at you.

"Don't worry, I still have you to keep me company Leon." This causes him to smile, to which you blush because his smile is so bright and handsome that it makes you weak.

"Well, how about I take you out?"

"Eh?" You ask dumbly, too shocked beyond belief. 'Did he just ask me out...?' You think to yourself. Leon chuckles at your reaction, putting away the cloth.

"Yeah, may I take you out? My shift just ended five minutes ago but I don't want to stop talking with you, you're great company." You blush even more at this and nod.

"Sure you can take me out... I like your company too." Leon smiles brightly and looks to his side, waving someone over.

"Yo Chris! Take over, my shift just ended so stop flirting with Jill and get to work!" You chuckle as a big buffy man comes over with a blush on his face.

"Shut up Leon, like you aren't flirting with this lady over here!" Leon shrugs, going through the door and coming over to you.

"Never denied that I was, good luck." You blush and take his hand that he offered you. Chris waves goodbye and then you two are out in fresh air.

"So what's your name?" Leon asks once you two are a little away from the bar.

"Y/N. Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to my favorite place."

"And where would that be?"

"A local diner down the street that stays open 24/7." You both chuckle and head there.

'Maybe being ditched by those people wasn't so bad this time.' You think to yourself as Leon holds the door to the diner open for you. You two sit down and order, thus the start of a beautiful and long-lasting relationship begins.

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