Surprise! Finally Home

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Hey fellow readers, I'm glad to say that I can finally set a nice schedule for myself in terms of updating. Now that my hectic-ness of a life is kind of stable, I can determine which days I will update. I will update every weekend if I can, giving me the whole week to write and go over the chapter. Without further a do, please enjoy!

You were lounging in your room, lazily scrolling through the many files downloaded onto your laptop. You sighed for the thousandth time that very hour, clicking on the newest file just uploaded that evening and began to read it. You were well aware that working even during hours you were off was overworking but you couldn't help yourself- when you got bored you worked, when you were alone you worked and when you missed a certain someone you worked to keep your mind off of them.

Your best friend, maybe your only friend, Leon S. Kennedy was gone. Out on a mission alone, sent by Hunnigan. The mission itself wasn't anything to worry about but you always felt more comfortable knowing Leon was accompanied by someone else. However, this wasn't the case this time seeing as he was sent alone on a mission that you didn't even get enough information on. This in itself was enough to make you worry over him, you tried and tried but no matter how skillful he was in the field you couldn't help but worry over him. Hence the reason why you were reading an updated file on the recent suspects thought to be responsible for the creation of newly discovered B.O.W's were brought into custody.

"Due to recent events, the two suspects thought to be responsible for the recently discovered B.O.W's have been brought into custody by the infamous veteran agent Leon S. Kennedy. The agent proposed various valuable evidence that points to the two suspects, William Jarred and Fredrick Gibson, being the culprit o these recent creations as well as clear confessions made by the Mr. arred who was- according to Mr. Kennedy- speaking on the phone to someone though it is unclear who..." You read aloud to yourself in a bored tone, eyes skimming over the brief info of the case as well as the summary and conclusions they have made. You also read the files on the individual suspects, analyzing their information and picture before moving on. You made a mental note that when Leon showed up to your apartment, as he always did after his missions, to congratulate him on keeping his promise and making it back safely.

You shut your laptop, sighing softly as your now heavy eyelids fluttered closed as your head fell onto your bed.

Time Skip- With Leon

Leon sighed tiredly, getting out of the yellow cab service car with a decorated paper bag with your favorite sweets and a nice surprise present in his left arm and walking toward your building with a pep in his step despite how tired his body was.

"Hope she's still awake... I doubt it though." He chuckled, a small fond smile on his face as he entered the building and walked toward the elevator. He pressed the button to the top floor once he entered the elevator, shifting the decorated paper bag into his other arm as he waited almost impatiently. He couldn't wait to see you again after all these weeks of being away on a mission that was honestly boring in his opinion and all he thought about was you and what you were doing.

Exiting his thoughts when the ding of the bell rang throughout the silent air, signaling he was at your floor. He bolted from the elevator, heading straight to your door that was straight down the hallway. He knocked, unable to contain his excitement any longer as you opened the door three minutes later- fingers rubbing at your tired eyes as he looked upon your bed head. The sight did things to him that he was too shy to admit so he cleared his throat and averted his eyes, putting the bag behind him and smiled at you.

"Oh... hey Leon. Just got back from your mission?" You ask as you move aside to let him in. You close the door as he nods, explaining everything.

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