Agent pretty hair pt 2

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Phew, this one took a bit to plan out and write. BUT it's out and I hope you all enjoy it :)

Leon pov

"So you bumped into this girl in front of a grocery store, ask her out on a date, and now you in love? Man that's so cliche!" Chris roared with laughter, his drink abandoned as he laughed. The red haired girl next to him rolled her eyes, turning to an embarrassed Leon.

"Oh shut up Chris, you're just jealous that this never happened between you and Jill." Chris's laughter stopped abruptly, glaring at his sister. He mumbled under his breath, taking a sip of his drink.

"To me I think it's romantic! It's so cute that you met her that way!" Claire yelled excitedly as she hugged leon and squeezed, causing the man to choke.

"Claire chill, you're going to end up suffocating him before he even gets the chance to tell her." The girl chuckled, letting go of a red Leon.

"Sorry about that..."

"So what do you guys think... I don't want to tell her yet since we just met like a five weeks ago..." Leon said, looking down at his almost empty cup of coffee. Chris and Claire hummed in thought almost at the same time, both tapping their chin and making Leon smirk.

"I say go for it." "I say take her out again." Chris and Claire said at the exact same time, Leon shaking his head.

"You both have different opinions."

"Take mines, I'm a woman so I would know." Chris rolled his eyes.

"So? Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you know how every other woman operates." Claire glared at her brother.

"Yes it does, we are united as one!"

"Now you sound like a cult member. Do women have secret cult in the midst of society? Should men make one?" Chris asked, smirking at his sister who looked about ready to punch him. Leon sighed, shaking his head.

"I think I'll just tell her over a date... it'll be better that way... right?" Chris and Claire nodded at the same time before realizing this and glaring at each other again. Leon chuckled, getting up from his seat and throwing down a couple of dollars to pay for his cup.

"Thanks for the help guys, I'll leave you to your bickering." He says, a smirk on his face as both of his friends try to defend themselves that they weren't bickering. Leon only shook his head, leaving the cafe and taking out his phone. He dialed your number, putting the phone to his ear and listening to it ring three times before your angelic voice reached his ears.

Your pov

You were humming a tune to yourself as you vacuum your living room, slowly swaying your hips in beat as you cleaned your apartment. It was your day off today, the only other reason you loved Thursdays so much, and you were spending it by cleaning your apartment since you really didn't have anything else to do. Helena was working your shift today so you couldn't hang out with her and Leon... Leon was probably busy as well.

You sigh, turning off the vacuum. You missed him, the two of you have been having hectic schedules the past half week so you two couldn't hang out afterwards like you were already used to doing. The time away was helpful though since it gave you the opportunity for you to make clear of your actual feelings for Leon. You sat down on your couch, leaning back as you looked your phone screen. On your home screen was a picture of you and Leon, it was taken on the third 'friend' date Leon had taken you on. He had taken you to a local circus show that had settled down in your neighborhood for a few upcoming days, taking you to eat afterwards. You had suggested in taking the picture since you had so much fun with Leon and wanted to remember that day. Taking the selfie was an hilarious event in your opinion since Leon kept making funny faces because, unbeknownst to you, he enjoyed your laugh and hearing it made he feel proud.

After that day you felt different toward him but it wasn't in a bad way, more of like a feeling stronger than the meaning of friendship. You had brushed it off and put it at the back of your mind however, constantly seeing him smile around you, pick you up from work to take you out for a lunch break, hearing his jokes and voice made that feeling stronger with each passing day. You knew you needed time to think things through, time to figure out what exactly this feeling was and the hectic week was your chance. After all the thinking on how he made you feel, how happy and safe you felt whenever you were around him, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach whenever he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, knees weak whenever he made a corny joke and smiled his cute smile afterwards... made one feeling clear as day.

You had fallen in love with Leon S. Kennedy.

You were taken from your thoughts when an incoming call from said man interrupted the silence. You answered, trying your damn hardest to keep the smile from your face (You failed miserably though).

"Hey Leon, what's up?"

"Hey I was wondering if you were busy today. I have a day off today so I was wondering if... you wanted to hang out?" You smiled at his adorableness.

"You've know me for what... four to five weeks and you still stutter around me?" You could hear Leon chuckle from the other line, a sound that made you fangirl internally.

"Well... um... is that a no?" You roll your eyes.

"No, I never said no Leon. However, since you're so eager to see me, I'll go get dressed."

"Awesome! I'll be over in 15 minutes."

"See ya then." You say and hang up, looking at the picture of your home screen one last time before turning off your phone and heading to your bedroom. You picked out a casual outfit of a black shirt with baggy half sleeves, black leggings with matching socks. You pulled on your favorite pair of your black boots with it's spikes your three black bracelets. After you brushed your H/L H/C locks, you placed on your black beanie ( ). It was already mid fall and it was sort of chilly outside, the outfit you were currently wearing would prevent you from getting too cold though.

As you were fixing on some simple lip gloss and some eyeliner, you hear Leon call your name from outside your apartment. A sigh leaves your lips as you finish up quickly and head to your front door, opening it and being greeted by an overly excited Leon.

"Hey, just give me a second to grab my wallet and purse." He nods with a small smile, making your heart rate accelerate. You leave him at the door to go grab your purse and wallet quickly before heading back and entering the hallway. You close the door behind you, locking it before smiling a small smile up at him.

"Well then, shall we go?" Leon smiled and held his elbow to you.

"Yes, we shall go." You both chuckle softly, you taking his arm as he leads you out of the apartment complex and led you to his car.

"By the way, you look gorgeous." Leon says, looking into your eyes and you felt your cheeks heat up. You smile shyly and play with your fingers.

"Thank you Leon." He justs smiles and nods, turning to start the car.

"I hope you like where I am taking you."

Too be continued

Yeah I left a cliffhanger. I'm evil like that. Please leave a vote and comments, they are greatly appreciated. :)

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