Chippendale!Leon x Shy!Reader

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Sorry for such a late update, my friend had requested a birthday present and I paused so I could work on it for them. you know who you are, I am sorry that this is two days late, I hope you like it!! Let me know what you think! Happy late birthday!

"Can we not please? I really don't see the reason why you girls have to drag me alo-"

"Hush already Y/N, nothing you say will get you out of this! I said we were going out for your B-Day and we are doing it!" A girl with red=ish hair says loudly, a.k.a Claire, your best friend since high school who currently has a vice grip on your wrist. You sigh irritably, letting yourself be dragged to a room where you see your other friends, Helena, Sherry, and Hunnigan. You grumble, all your friends were major extroverts, you being the only one that was extremely introvert. Hell, you still had no clue how you all became best friends.

You met Claire in your freshman year of high school, she was extremely loud and obnoxious, just like her brother Chris Redfield who was also loud and obnoxious. Put those two in the same room and it'll be a miracle if your windows lasted. Helena came along as a transfer student during your junior year of high school, Helena clicked well with you and Claire, a little less loud than Claire but also very masculine for a woman. She was nice and pretty smart, whatever the both of them didn't understand, they'd come to you and you'd help them but not give them the answers much to their misfortune. You met Sherry in freshman year of College, she was a sweet girl on the outside but on the inside, once you got to know her, she was just as loud as Claire and could be a bitch to her enemies. Hunnigan came along later that same year when she moved into our five room dorm after getting into a fight with one of her old dorm mates. All four of them in the same room just killed you with the loudness but you low key enjoyed their company and found their antics and quirks amusing.

Back to the present, you sigh and sit down as far away from the suspicious looking stage in the middle of the weirdly lit room, only to have your friend clutter around you and move you to the middle, right in front of the stage. You keep a stoic face as Hunnigan speaks up.

"So I managed to get all of us tickets for front row seats, thanks to my auntie, Y/N is surely in for a big surprise because I managed to even get to talk with one of them so they know the plan," Hunnigan spoke in a whisper like tone to Claire, the red-haired girl chuckled evilly while taking a glance at your oblivious self.

"Which one did you talk to?" Claire whispered back, looking back at Hunnigan.

"I didn't get his real name, only his stage name. He has dirty blond hair, blue-ish gray eyes, and a very muscular build. He also has a very smooth deep voice that will surely get Y/N's panties in a twist and get her tripping, stumbling and fumbling. I also talked with the head lady of this place, she knows what's going on too." Claire and Hunnigan chuckle like to evil mistresses as they looked at your bored face.

"She is sooooo anxious right now," Helena whispered to Sherry, the blond looking at you and nodding her head in agreement.

"Poor girl has no idea what is coming."

"HEY GIRLS!!" A loud voice calls out over the increasingly growing crowd of exciting females. You turn to see Ella, Becky, Tasha, Raye, and Lissa walking toward them with huge smiles on their faces.

'I don't trust those smiles and why is there only girls in this place. ' You think as the girls take a seat in the row behind you. You had met these girls during your job at the diner you worked at as a cook, Ella, Tasha, and Raye were baristas, while Lissa and Becky helped you in the kitchen and Sherry along with Claire owned the place. Hunnigan worked as a business assistant for her father, under training so that she can inherit the business when her father passes and Helena worked as a trainer for recruits in the police force with Chris. They greet you with happy, genuine smiles to which you greet them with one small smile of your own before you turn around and stare off into space again.

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