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"Spyen, Director Fury would like to see you now."

The young agent looked up at Maria Hill with nervous eyes, "Am I in trouble?"

Maria gave a small smile, "I am not at liberty to say." Her tone told Spyen that she was in for a surprise.

Spyen, young seventeen years old, stood from the plush chair she was in and followed Agent Hill into Fury's office.

Fury had a smile on his face and he stood up to greet her, "Ah, Spyen. My most trusted agent."

Spyen put her hands behind her back to show discipline, "Director." She gave a small head nod.

Fury still had a smile on his face and a file in his hand. He held up the manila file, "Do you know what this is?"

Spyen studied the file, "A SHIELD file, Sir."

Fury gave a single nod and opened the file and started to read what was on the paper, "Spyen Keller, age seventeen. You were first accepted into SHIELD when you were fourteen under the care of Ethan and Faye Keller, whom adopted you." Fury looked up for a moment, "Promoted level three at fifteen. You have worked very hard since I became your S.O and you have so considerable improvement and now I am promoting you to level ten."

It took Spyen a moment to understand what she was hearing. Her posture deflated and she was in awe. Fury closed the file and walked up to Spyen with a large smile, "Congratulations Spyen, you are level ten. The only level ten agent of SHIELD with the exception of the Director of course."

Spyen couldn't help her elation; she let out a large smile and an excited gasp. She looked up at her Supervising Officer, "Thank you, Sir. I will not disappoint you."

Fury let out a small chortle, "I know you won't. Now, are you up for your first mission as a level ten agent?"

Spyen let out a series of nods, "Yes, Sir."

Fury glanced up at Maria before looking down at his student, "How does working with the Avengers sound?"


Spyen glanced out of the windshield of the Quinjet and saw an even larger plane a few meters below them. Spyen looked back at Fury who was sitting in one of the seats with a small box in his hand.

"Is Agent Coulson aware of your plan?"

Fury shoved the box back into his pocket, "No, but I'm sure he will have quite a bit to say. He now knows about TAHITI and I am sure he won't hesitate to tell me how he feels."

Spyen slowly sat next to Fury with a nervous stomach, "This isn't going to be an easy transition."

Fury looked up at her, "I know, but I know that both of you can handle the change."

Spyen let out a sigh and sat back against the seat, "Seven years of SHIELD with you as Director."

Fury gave a small snort, "Has it really been seven years?"

Spyen gave a nod, "Yeah."

Fury put an arm around Spyen's shoulders, "And what a perfect seven years it has been." Fury's voice cracked slightly and Spyen quickly pulled away.

"Now, don't get all sentimental on me. You know I don't do well with that."

Fury pulled his arm from her shoulders as the pilot turned his head towards them.

"We've been granted permission to dock, Sir. Touch down in thirty seconds."

Fury unclipped his safety belt and stood, "Well here we go."

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