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Spyen stopped by the Bus to see the cloaking hardware and she wasn't the only one curious. Skye and Trip had also joined Mack.

"So this is cloaking hardware?" Trip was the first to voice the question.

Mack was tinkering with the mechanism, "Uh-Huh. Let's take a peak under the hood." Mack pulled at the device and opened it to reveal its inner workings.

"Fitz would be crushed if he saw this. He's been working on cloaking since before Simmons took off."

Spyen had a tight expression on her face as Skye talked about the scientist.

Trip shook his head, "Still can't believe she abandoned him like that."

"She abandoned all of us." Skye's voice was hard and Spyen wished she could tell them the real reason Jemma left.

"But Fitz has been clinging to his work like a lifeline—"

"Maybe we should tell him." Trip interrupted Skye.

Mack broke into the conversation, "Coulson wants a retro version of this for the Bus. He said that no one knows the avionics on this thing like Fitz."

"Think he can handle it?" Trip was concerned for the scientist.

"I don't know." Mack looked behind Skye and Spyen, "Why don't you ask him?" Spyen heard the footsteps before she turned her head to face Fitz.

Spyen let out a smile, "Hi, Fitz."

"Hey, what's up man?" Trip always had a smile in his voice.

Skye looked up at her friend, "How are you?"

Fitz came up and ignored all of their greetings. He kept his eyes on the cloaking hardware, "So that's the, um...That's the..." Fitz had trouble with his words.

"Cloaking." Mack helped him out, "In all its glory. You know, you weren't that far off. Check out the transmitter coil."

"Yeah, to negate the—the resonant—the resonant? No, um...the, uh..." Fitz tapped his hand through the air to try to get the words to come out.

Skye leaned towards her friend, "I-it's okay. Just take your time." Skye was tender towards him.

Fitz let out a breath and turned his head away from the group as Mack spoke.

"Uh, what he's trying to say is there's an audio component to cloaking that inverts sound waves, too."

Trip looked down at the device, "Like noise-canceling headphones?"

Mack nodded, "Yeah, same concept." Mack looked over at Fitz, "Hey, you think you can give me a hand with this?"

Fitz flicked his head towards Mack, "Um, u-under the circumstances, uh...Well, the trick is you would...n..."

Skye gently let out a breath and Spyen could tell she felt bad for Fitz.

"The trick—The trick would be in the meta-materials." Fitz let out a breath and turned his head away from the group again. Spyen observed the scientist and it look as if he was talking with himself to gain the answer, "Uh, oh! Yeah, but you'd have to alter the, um..." Fitz tried so hard to get the words to his head and Spyen couldn't help but feel bad for him. Skye looked down before she went to take a step towards him.

"Fitz, It's—"

Fitz had his fingers to the bridge of his nose, "Yeah, could everyone just stop talking for one second?"

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