The Index

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Spyen adjusted and readjusted the items on the chair that served as a nightstand. She made sure that every item was in it's place and when she would move one piece of her puzzle, another would move and she would have to start all over again. She was adjusting the position of her phone when a soft knock sounded. Spyen looked up at the door, "Yeah?"

The door slowly opened and Coulson carefully walked in. He shut the door and walked into the room, "How are you doing?"

Spyen swallowed and took her attention from her OCD, "I'm fine."

Since the incident with the Kree and Sif, Spyen had withdrawn into herself. Anytime somebody were to enter the room she would go silent and only exchange the necessary amount of words, this was one of those incidences.

Coulson kept up the conversation, "Fitz says that you've been having headaches?"

Spyen licked her lips, "I'm fine, Coulson."

Coulson pulled the second chair up next to her, "Are you sure?" Spyen only let out a nod. "Okay. Well, I just wanted to give you a heads up about what is going to happen next."

Spyen already knew, "The Index."

Coulson nodded, "Yes. Both you and Skye will be put on there. You know the process of how it happens, so that is why I am telling you first."

Spyen let out a breath, "I understand."

Coulson stayed in the awkward conversation, "Spyen, you know you can talk to me."

Spyen kept her head down, "I'd rather not."

"If you don't want to right now, that is fine. But just know that I will understand."

Spyen looked up at her Director, "If you understand then let me call Barton and Romanoff."

"You know I can't let you do that."

Spyen smacked her hand down on the edge of the bed and the smack reverberated off of the metal walls.

"Look, I know that you are going through probably more than I can imagine, but this information needs to stay in a tight circle."

"Nat and Clint are a tight circle."

Coulson was about to respond, but another soft knock sounded and the door slowly opened to reveal Fitz.

"Oh, s-sorry. I just, uh..."

Coulson let out a sigh, "It's fine, Fitz. I was just leaving." The Director stood from the chair, "Give it time. I will let you contact them when we know more." Coulson left the room and closed the door, leaving Fitz and Spyen alone.

"Oh my God. Coulson is pissing me off."

Fitz sat on the chair that Coulson had occupied, "Why?"

Spyen leaned against the all behind her, "He won't let me call Barton and Romanoff. He doesn't think it's wise, or whatever."

Fitz noticed that Spyen's words were slow, "Have you gotten any sleep?"

She looked up at him, "What?"

"You sound tired."

Spyen bit her lip and let out a breath, "I can't."

Fitz furrowed his brows, "What do you mean you can't?"

"I mean...every time I try to sleep, I get the overwhelming surge of voices and emotions. It hurts."

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