Birthday Baby pt. 3

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~Zoe's POV~

-13 years later-

Today Brooke was turning 13, Dan and I were in our mid thirties and Phil was almost 40! Brooke was a very beautiful and smart, and could get any boy she wants. But, Dan will not allow it. He spoils the shit out of that little girl but, he wants to protect his daughter the longest he can.

We had a large flat rented, and a huge set up, pink pastel and black balloons. A huge buffet and everything she asked for, a photo booth and a chocolate fountain with different snacks. All of her school friends were invited, she goes to a regular public school. Her friends were all jealous of her family's wealth, but they made sure not to corrupt her. Brooke is very smart with her money and is a very smart girl, she doesn't let anybody get under skin and she knows how to tell someone off if they do so.

Dan was such a proud dad of Brooke, he filmed videos with her all the time, but he was still protective. He let her go out with friends and go to the theatre and mall, but boyfriend's definitely were not on the list. He wanted her to be his baby girl forever, he didn't want her to   get her heartbroken by a douche that only wants her for her family's wealth.

The party was starting in about 5 minutes and were just sitting on the couches talking and laughing. Then the knocks at the doors started to begin. A few of Brooke's friends came in, Alexis, Darcy, Elizabeth, Samantha and Penn. They all came in and hugged Brooke and hugged me and said hello to Dan. They were very sweet girls, always making sure to have a good impression on us. Then some of the boys came over, also very sweet boys, they hugged Brooke and one even kissed her cheek. God Dan's gonna watch him. They shook Dan and I's hand. I guess the one who kissed Brooke's cheek is Apollo, he's a very kind boy. We have known his family for over 10 years, the two automatically being the best of friends.

When everyone arrived we started the movie, the new "IT" movie by Stephen King. They all fit on the 3 couches in the lounge, Brooke was with Apollo. Dan and I decided to let them hang out without us. We decided to go into the other room, we sat on the counter in the kitchen of the unfamiliar flat.

"I don't want her to grow up. She can't, I don't want her with him, Zoe" Dan said tried to hold his tears.

I hugged him and rubbed his back, "love, she is going to get a boyfriend one day, if she wants that to happen now, I don't want to hold her back. And we have known Apollo for years, he's a good kid." I soothed.

"I want her to always be my baby girl, I don't want her to be calling another man Daddy!" He laughed a bit.

"What the fuck, Daniel" I laughed and kissed him.

"She will always be your little girl, trust me. She loves you so much and I will talk to her and Apollo" I assured him.

"Ok baby, do you remember when you told me you were pregnant?" He asked.

"How could I forget?" I said and laughed.

"You planned so much to tell me something so important, I'm so happy I finally took that step and proposed to you" He said and hugged me.

"It was an amazing day, it was your birthday. I wanted to be able to try for Brooke but, oops, she was already there." I laughed, "I'm so happy that we have the life we have."

"I am too baby, that was the best birthday of my life. I couldn't ask for anything more than my beautiful daughter" he kissed me.

"Thanks dad" Brooke walked in and said.

"You're welcome Brooke, I'm so proud of you. Also, would you mind talking to your mother for a minute? You're not in trouble" He asked.

"Of course, Daddy" she said and hugged him and he walked to a different room.

"So, I see you and Apollo are real close" I said

"Yeah, we are really close friends" she said nervously.

"Brooke, I'm not dumb." I said.

"Mom, I'm sorry! I know you don't want me dating but, he's Apollo!" She exclaimed quietly.

"Honey, I talked to dad. You're ok, date him. We trust you and him, but I swear you do anything I wouldn't do-" I started.



"You know I won't do anything. I love you" she said and hugged me.

"I love you too sweetheart"

"I love you girls, so much" Dan came and hugged us.

"Thank you, Howells" a random voice said.

"What the fuck?" Dan turned around and saw Apollo standing in the doorway. He covered his mouth and laughed, thanking god it was only Apollo.

"Sorry, Mr. Howell" he said and rubbed his neck.

"Hey Apollo, welcome to the family" Dan welcomed and shook Apollo's hand.

"Thank you, Mr.Howell"

"How many times have I told you, it's Dan to you!" Dan exclaimed.

Apollo laughed, "Sorry, Daniel Howell", and walked away.

"Hey! I can only laugh about my rebranding!" Dan yelled and laughs all from the living area erupted.

"Thanks, Dad. I love you" Brooke said and hugged Dan, he hugged her back and told her to go back to her party and to have fun, but not too much fun.

"So, she's growing up Dan", I turned and looked at him.

"I know, I can't stop it"

"She's not our little baby anymore" I said

"Oh come on" he cried out.

"You are so handsome" I said as I wrapped my hands around his waist.

"And you are so beautiful, love" He said back to me.

"I love you so much" I announced as he put his hands around my waist also.

"Love, I have a question" Dan said

"And it is?" I questioned

"Can we please have another Brooke?" Dan asked

"Does that mean I get a night with a special boy?" I whispered, then added, "If that is true, then of course"

"Mom, Dad! We can all hear you! Ew! Go talk in a different room!" Brooke exclaimed from the living area.

"Sorry!" I yelled as my face went incredibly red. But, our Brooke must know by now what Mommy and Daddy do in their free time. Dan gave me a kiss, and pecked my red cheek. I giggled and gave him a hug.

"I really don't want our baby girl growing up, she's going to be going to college before we even know it." I said.

"We can't think of that now, we just need to enjoy our time we currently have." Dan said and pet my hair as we hugged in the kitchen, "Now, how about we start to plan when this special night is going to happen?" Dan whispered to me.

I giggled and smiled to Dan. Damn, am I thankful for these two.

Hey Guys! I know I haven't posted in forever! I should be getting back to writing pretty soon! So, I love you all! Have an amazing day, beautiful's!

-Julia Coller

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