Good Morning, Darling

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-Y/N's POV-

A arm swinging around and softly landing on my hip, and the feeling of being pulled towards a very warm, and comforting body. I flutter my eyes open and see my gorgeous boyfriend Daniel Howell. I smile and my eyes can't look away from this beautiful creature before me, I look at all of his freckles which have been coming out, due to the sun being out. And the beautiful cheeks that I love to plant kisses on when he's at my level. And, the forehead I wish I could reach more often, just to peck it and give a sweet gesture. And, his adorable nose, it is just the right size and is adorable. And those lips...

 Daniel Howell's lips= the most magical things ever. 

He brings me so much joy with them, if it's just a simple kiss, or if we are being intimate, they just bring me so much happiness. And every word he says passes through them, if it's a simple word, or an articulate one, or a little compliment, or an 'I love you', it will always mean the world to me. He gives the best kisses, his lips sometimes overlap mine and his tongue travels my mouth like it's the last thing he will ever taste. He gives me the simple peck where it's a simple gesture of appreciation, if we are around friends or just sitting in the lounge and he wants to show love to me. 

This man has so many perfections, and I can't find a single flaw in all of him. He is perfect head to toe, his perfect shoulders which I generally lean on when we are browsing on tumblr. My hand starts to lift up, and I trail my finger to his chest. His broad chest, which I cuddle to every night, it keeps me safe, and is a perfect place to rest my head, especially after intimate moments. His long lanky arms, they are such a safe place to be, the wrap around my body, and my waist when he picks me up to scare me. His large hands, they are fun to hold, and great to play with when I am bored.  Dan's beautiful stomach, he often is worried about too much pudge, but it's beautiful, it's toned and strong and is honestly incredibly attractive. His hips and v-line, gorgeous, so strong and beautiful, they are amazing and again incredibly attractive. His member down below is amazing, it's perfect and gives me so much joy, it's more than just something to pleasure me, it will soon help me one day have kids with him. Dan's thighs, they are so strong, they are covered in a little hair and are gorgeous, they are fun to nip at to tease him, and lay on when we are relaxing. Dan's lengthy legs, they give him his adorable height and are so fun to just lay on, they are beautiful and give him his cute gentle giant status. And his large feet, they help him from falling over, and they carry him on every journey.

He was just perfect. 

There isn't a single thing wrong with him. And his beautiful personality, I can barely get started on.

His sarcasm, it's incredibly funny, it may piss me off at times, but I know at the end of the day it's amazing and I know I love it. Dan's acceptance, he accepts me at times when nobody else has, he loves to let me know that he is here for me. His vocabulary, its gorgeous, he's so smart and it shows. Dan's love for me, it shows through every thing he does, it is incredibly amazing and it makes me feel wanted.

My fingers trailed over his collarbones and neck, another thing I adore. I love sucking and kissing his neck, to leave marks on them, and mark him as my own. Just to let everyone know he is mine, and never going to be anyone else's ever again.

My fingers feeling the soft skin, and immediately wishing I could have my lips there, but I don't want to interrupt my beautiful boy's sleep. He looks so peaceful, and honestly beautiful, his relaxation also calming me. It helps me know that he isn't stressed in the moment, and that he isn't worried about work or meetings. It helps me know he is calm, and he is ok in the moment.

I kept staring at him, and stayed in his arms, he started to shuffle, and wrapped our legs together. I pulled my leg up and rested it on his hip and came even closer to him. My heart felt like it turned to mush, and it had melted. Being in his arms and against his chest just made me happy and made a smile come to my face.

I grinned like an idiot and just stared up at him, his pretty face and all, and just laid there to observe his beauty. He soon enough started to shuffle and slowly open his eyes, he looked down and noticed me staring at him. He grinned down at me and his dimples showed, god another thing I obsessed over, those beautiful forms on his cheeks. I pecked his cheek and he looked at me with curiosity.

"Good Morning, Darling" Dan's morning voice spoke.

Oh goodness his morning voice. 

I collapsed into his chest with a huge toothy grin on my face. 

"Baby girl, what are you up to this morning" Dan asked and laughed a bit.

"you" I muffled into Dan's chest.

"What was that, princess?" He asked.

I lifted my head and said, "you". 

He looked at me in utter confusion, "What do you mean?".

"You, you are so perfect, there is nothing wrong with you. I love you so incredibly much, I can't express it.  I'm just so deeply in love with you" I explained and looked him in the eyes.

"Oh, baby girl. I love you so much also, what have you done all this time?" He questioned.

"I've been staring at you, taking you in. You are so god damn beautiful, how you do it I do not understand. I can't believe I am so lucky to have someone as amazing and pretty as you. I love you so damn much, I can't comprehend the amount of appreciation and love I have for you, I just need want to let you know how much you mean to me, but I don't think you ever will." I told him, I meant every single word. 

"I love you so much too Y/N, I hope you know that I am so greatly in love with you. You are the love of my life." Dan said and held me to him and squeezed me. 

I looked up and Dan was looking down at me, and he brought his face down to kiss me. His lips softly massaged mine, they made me smile against his, and continued to make me do so. He pulled away and looked at me, he grinned and just continued to.

"Darling, I promise to love you everyday until there is no more of us. I love you, Darling." Dan said and pecked my lips, forehead, and cheeks.


Hey Guys! I have update twice in the last 24 hours, and that normally never happens. I have been trying incredibly hard to give you guys some of my hard work. It is currently 2:53 in the morning, and I'm tired, but I love you all so much, so, so, so much. Have an amazing day! :)

-Julia Coller

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