Bath Time

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-Zoe's POV-

Tonight is bath night for the kids, Owen and Julian, it is their first bath not in the sink. Dan offered to sit in the bath with the boys as we both wash them. We were getting the boys ready and filled our bath up just a bit, Dan took off his shirt with his swimming shorts still on he got into the bath. He sat down and got into a position that was he could hold the boys in. I had Owen in my right arm and Julian laid on a towel next to me on the ground. I was sitting criss-cross and stood to give Owen to Dan. Dan took Owen into his arms and looked lovingly at him, I took Julian into my arms and looked at him, as Dan settled Owen I handed him, Julian. Dan looked amazing with his two boys in his arms, you could tell he was loving being a father.

He looked up at me and smiled, I gazed back at him and admired how amazing he is. We stopped staring at each other and got straight to work. We barely had any difficulty bathing the kids, we cleaned them and immediately got them into towels and laid on our bed. Dan and I cuddled with the boys close between us. I took my shirt off laid with Julian on my chest and Dan did the same with Owen, the closeness was comforting and it helped us feel safer.

"Motherhood is fitting you well" Dan complimented me.

"And Fatherhood is fitting you well" I responded.

"Just to think these two, were created by us. They were in your stomach for nine months" Dan said as he rubbed my stomach. I immediately felt self-conscious, ever since I gave birth to the twins I've felt fat, and gross. He has told me every day that I look gorgeous, and beautiful to him but it just feels like he just wants me to feel good. It sucks that I can't feel like I normally do, I usually feel happy and confident when I am with Dan like I am worthy of him, and I deserve Dan. But now, I just feel too fat, and too big to feel worthy of him. I feel this way because I brought our children into the world, but it is just hard.

Dan felt me cringe under his hand, he looked over to me with a worried expression written all over his face.

"Are my hands cold?" Dan asked

"I mean yes, but I just have a question," I said.

"And it is, my lovely wife?" Dan questioned.

"Do you think I look too fat? I mean twins are a lot to carry, and now that they are out of my stomach, I look large. I want to look good, I want to be worthy of you and to look good enough for you." I said quickly.

"You never look fat, you may look larger than you normally do right now, but you gave birth to these two amazing boys, they are our sons, and we created them together. You carried them for 9 months and created them in your body. We love each other so much that we created life. You look amazing, and your body looks so incredible, and I am so grateful for you every day. I will work with you to build your self-esteem back up, and I will be every moment of your journey" Dan said.

"Thank you, Daniel. I will try to be more positive about my body. thank you for being here with me during this whole ride. Thank you for creating these two boys with me, and loving them and me. I love you." I responded.

"I love you too, Zoe. Always remember that."

We laid there for a few more moments, just relishing in the love of our family. Dan and I decided to go put the boys into their room and spend some time together. After we laid the boys down in their room and set up the baby monitor, Dan and I laid down on our bed and wrapped our bodies around each other.

"So, I know we can't have sex, and this is a bit weird of a request, can we have a makeout session? Just like we are teenagers again!" Dan requested.

I burst out laughing, he was awkward and it was adorable. He looked gorgeous, he was nervous to ask me, his wife, to make out with me.

"I know, you want to be like teenagers again! We can be young again, not some mid-20-year-old adults with children!" Dan exclaimed, with me laughing in the back.

"Of course I do," I said as I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I kissed him and he pulled me to lay on top of him, he kissed me as I giggled into his mouth. He opened my mouth with his tongue and held onto me, he kissed me and kissed me. He brought his hands down to my butt and squeezed, he brought his hands wherever he could put them. We continued kissing each other until we heard cries from the baby monitor. We got up and got to the boys' room to find Owen crying. I picked him up and immediately felt his soft skin against mine, I calmed him down and laid him back in his crib. Dan grabbed my hips as I stood straight back up. He kissed my cheek and hugged me from behind, I turned around and kissed him. He held onto me and kept his face hidden in my neck, I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist. We stood there for a while just hugging and having our skin against each other's and enjoyed the closeness and the love.


Hello everybody! I just finished this, and I hope you enjoyed it! I want to write an imagine of Drunk Dan being all fluffy and cute, today, how would you like that? Send in your requests! You can send them through private messages or through the comments! I write almost anything, I do not do anything with pedophilia or rape. But, I will write smut, male!reader x Dan, a reader x Dan, and mostly anything. If you want a male!reader x Dan, or a male character x Dan I will do it! I may even do it without a request, I really like the idea, but I do want to make it clear that when I write these I am not assuming Dan's sexuality, if he may be gay, bisexual, pansexual, straight, ect. I do not mean to assume, I just write for pure fun and for you people! Love you all and stay happy!


-Julia Coller

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