Byakuya x shy reader

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Ever since I was little I have always been shy. I was scared of talking to new people or people I know but don't really talk to. But when I'm with people I trust I become less shy and start to open up to them.

"Hey (y/n) what are you up to?" I heard a voice behind me said causing me to jump.

I turned around and saw Renji behind me.

"Oh hi Renji.." I said closing the book I was reading and looking up at him.

"I'm just reading a book." I said holding up the book and showing him.

I eyed him skeptically and sighed

"Why are you here?" I asked quietly.

"Well Rukia told me about your um..."interest" in captain Kuchiki." He said awkwardly.

'Damn you Rukia.' I said to myself

"What about it?" I asked him.

"Well she told me your pretty shy and don't really talk to anybody so I came to warn you that Byakuya will be here any minute now. He said calmly.

"W-what why?! I-I can't talk to him!. Crap what do I do?!" I started panicking and walking around.

"(Y/n) calm down." I heard a voice say and saw Rukia standing there.

I felt a tick mark appear on my head and stomped up to her.

"Seriously Rukia! Telling Renji about my crush about on Byakuya." I said not noticing said man behind me.

"Ugghhh I'm leaving." I said not turning around and made my way back to my room.

Byakuya's POV

My eyes widened as I head (y/n) say those words. I didn't know she felt that way.Once she left I looked at Rukia and Renji and sighed. I turned around and started walking to find (y/n).

After a while of walking I finally made it to (y/n)'s house. I made sure to hide my spiritual pressure so she couldn't sense me coming.

I opened the door quietly and looked for her. I went into her room and saw her sleeping quietly.

I sat beside her as she slept and brushed a strand of her (h/c) behind her ear a smiled slightly.

I starred at her sleeping face wide eyed and my face a little pink as I heard her say something.

"Mhm. Byakuya.." I heard her say in her sleep.

'Should I wake her up' I thought to myself.

Then again if I wake her up and ask her about it she won't tell me since she's so shy.

I smirked to myself as I leaned forward and grasped her chin gently and pressed my lips against hers in a soft gently quick kiss.

I pulled away only to see he eyes open and her face red.

"What were you dreaming about?" I asked staring at her as she looked away.

"Uh I-I..." she didn't answer.

I was thinking of a way to get (y/n) to tell me what she was dreaming about.

"If you don't tell me what you were dreaming about I'll kiss you." I said smirking while looking down at her.

"It was uh Iwasdreamingaboutusdating." She said so quick that I barely heard her.

"Is that so." I said before I leaned down and kissed her.

After a while I felt her start to kiss back.
I was surprised when she started to kiss back.
The little shy (y/n) kissing me back. I sat her up and wrapped my arms around her waist as he arms went around my Neck.

I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at her and leaned down to her ear and whispered.

"Let's make that dream a reality."


I'm sorry if this one is bad this one was requested by @applesauce446 I don't really know how to do shy but I tried and Byakuya was a little OOC He doesn't talk much so I made him talk a lot but I hope you enjoyed this ^ and thanks for requesting this.

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