Toshiro x reader

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'I can't believe today is the day' I said to myself as I started to get ready for my "date" with Toshiro.

He asked me if I wanted to hang out with him and I said sure, he didn't specify a place where we were going but we've been friends forever so I'm sure it would be fun since he knows me well.

I got out of bed and made my way towards the shower.


I wrapped a towel around my self and dried my hair as I stepped out of the shower.


I looked over and checked my phone to see a text from toshiro.

"Hey (y/n) I'll be there in 10 minuets. Oh and bring a jacket." He sent.

'Hmm? A jacket I wonder what's that for' I thought to myself but shrugged it off and put my clothes on.

I wore some black jeans with rips in the knee area,a black sleeves shirt with a beanie, some black boots, and a black leather jacket with it.

And put my (h/c) into a messy bun because I was going to wear a beanie over it.

I grabbed my phone and purse and looked in the mirror and made any final touches to the makeup I barely have on as a heard a car honk from the outside.

I quickly grabbed my things and made my way out the front door and looked it behind me.
I made my way to the car and noticed Toshiro and I were almost wearing the same thing.

"H-hey Toshiro" I said while opening the door and getting into the passenger seat of the car.

"Hey (y/n) are you ready?" He asked as he waited until I had my seatbelt on to put the car in drive.

Once my nervousness calmed down I finally responded.
"Yeah I'm excited to know where we are going." I said while looking out the window, admiring the scenery That passed by.

"Don't worry you'll love it." He said while keeping his eyes on the road.

As the drive went on we just had casual talk and no awkwardness as the drive came to an end.

"Welp here we are." He said while putting the car in park and Unbuckling his seatbelt.
I looked up and saw a sign that read Haunted house. I gulped and looked at Toshiro.
"Um are you sure this is the right place?" I asked hoping he would say he stopped here on accident.

"Nope this is the right place. Why? Are you scared?" He said with a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

And me being my stubborn self just had to go and say the words that would probably be the death of me.

"Of course not I was just making sure you knew where we were and if you lost directions." I said as I took off my seatbelt and got out the car.

"Well are you coming or not?" I asked

Timeskip because I have no idea where this is going.

'I can't believe I made myself do this' I said to myself as we walked into the haunted house. I looked over to see Toshiro looking like he's having the time of his life. We walked for a little bit more once I felt a gust of wind go by me causing me to grab on to Toshiro arm by instinct.

'Now I know why he told me to bring a jacket' I said.

Not realizing I was still holding onto his arm I kept holding it until I looked up and made eye contact with Toshiro as he had a smirk on his face.

"Comfortable?" He asked smiling.

"S-shut up." I told him as I let go of his arm and started walking forward.

"Hey wait!" Toshiro shouted as he chased after me.
I didn't even realize I was walking that fast until I felt hands around my waist and heard a breath breathing near my ear. (A/n: your shorter than him just because that's how I like it :) )
"Ahhh!!" I screamed and swung on what or whoever was behind me.

"Hey!" I heard a voice and turned around and noticed Toshiro was on the floor as he dodged my punch.

"What was that for!?" He said while standing back up.
"For giving me a heart attack! Don't just scare me like that." I said while lowering my voice and being close to tears.

"(Y/n).." He said

'I can't believe I'm about to cry. I thought I wasn't that easily scared.' I said to myself.

"Look (y/n) I'm sorry I scared you I didn't mean to honestly. It was just that you were walking so fast and I didn't have a way to stop you so I grabbed you." He said while moving closer to me step by step.

"It's fine." I said well more like mumbled not noticing Toshiro standing in front of me until I felt a pair of hands grab my face.

I looked up just in time to see Toshiro leaning closer and pressing his lips softly against mine. I didn't respond at first because I didn't realize what's gapping but I quickly kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

After a minute we pulled away faces flushed and avoided eye contact.

It was a awkward silence as we both stood there until Toshiro grabbed my hand and we walked out of the haunted house.

I guess it is good to get scared once in a while.

So yeah I finished this sorry if it was terrible it's not like I lost my motivation but I don't know how to put it in words
This was requested by @ToshiKao-love
I'm sorry if it was bad like I really am I tried my best.

In other news please please follow me on Instagram💞 (Rant)

Can we get to 2,700 or 2,650? I might have a request spree like if we get to 2,650 I'll post a chapter and I'll to the first 5-10 requests and another 10 if it's 2,700

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Can we get to 2,700 or 2,650? I might have a request spree like if we get to 2,650 I'll post a chapter and I'll to the first 5-10 requests and another 10 if it's 2,700.

So please help me because my followers are no offense but bipolar like follow then un follow don't get it twisted I have an app and I see if you unfollow me. But yeah let's get it! 💛

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