Chapter 14

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I was lucky to get out of Brian's bedroom before Matt ..I mean Jason and Michelle saw me. And Val too for that matter. I didn't want to wreak havoc anymore than I had to...well not anymore than I already had.

As I made my way back to my room, I noticed that Sara's bed was not slept in so either she had was already awake or she had made other sleeping arrangements for the night. Maybe the hottie she had been dancing with that called her after I moved to Brian's room. I checked my dead cell phone and plugged it in to see if she had sent any update.

I was startled when I heard the door open behind me and turned to find Matt standing against the doorway.

"Damnit, Matthew," I said with my hand on my chest. "You scared the crap out of me."

He half smirked showing one dimple before closing the door behind him. "I'm sorry. I was walking by and I noticed the door open."

"And what? You decided to try to barge in noiselessly? What if Sara and I had been getting dressed."

He scoffed as he moved to sit on Sara's bed. "You act like that would bother me."

I picked up the pillow and threw it at him and he laughed. "You're the worst."

"Maybe....I am," he said humor clear in his light eyes "but it's not me that the girls are out to get this morning."

I froze. "What do you mean?"

"I guess you haven't talked to Sara yet," he said leaning back against the headboard. "After you got back from Brian's room."

"No...she wasn't in here," I cried and then realized what he said " know I was in Brian's room?"

"Everyone knows," he said with a nod. "Michelle thought it would be a good idea to try to sneak into his room this morning and found you sleeping soundly next to each other."

Oh shit. I tossed my clothes on the bed "It's not what you think."

He put his hands up "No judgment from me."
But something in his expression gave off the judgmental vibe.

"Seriously, Matthew..."I glared "it's not...I mean you can't believe you'd think I'd sleep with Brian after," I lowered my voice "you know."

"I do know," he said lowering his baritone. "But You gotta admit it doesn't look were in his bed."

"Well where else could I go," I threw my hands up "I mean it was either that or listen to you and Val get it on all night. I mean could you two be any louder?"

He sat up. "Hey told me that you wanted things to go back to normal. I was just doing what was...normal. Is it my fault that Val makes a lot of noise when she..."

I put my hand up to stop him and shook my head furiously to block out the vision "Hey now what...just because I said we had to get over what happened between us and get back to normal doesn't mean I want to hear it in stereo."

"So you jump into bed with my best friend?" he asked roughly. "First Berry, now Haner."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I growled lowly "Nothing happened and if everyone thinks something did then they all need to get over it."

"Just like that?" he asked in a low voice, his light hazel eyes looking into mine.

I had to shake my head to break the spell. I looked down into my bag and began to shuffle the clothes around. "Look Matt, there is nothing going on between me and Brian. We just slept and I'll tell both Michelle and Val the same."

"And Jason?" He asked in a husky voice as he made his way to sit on the bed next to my bag.

"I like Jason..." I tried to explain "he's a nice guy and maybe I should try to make it something more than a few kisses." I paused to look at his face and his expression darkened so I continued "I don't know. I'm just all confused. You fucked me up."

"I fucked you up? "he said incredulously "How do you think I feel?"

"You're not allowed to feel anything," I said annoyed "You have a girlfriend."

"You're right," he hung his head guiltily.

"You're damn right, I'm right," I replied.

"I just fucking agreed with you," he mumbled.
"Good," I said but further conversation was cut off by his lips on mine. His hot palm anchored me to his chest and my arms had a mind of their own as they wrapped around his neck. For a minute I forgot where I was and that this was wrong.

The sound of Val's voice calling "Matthew?" in the hallway was enough to drop back to reality fast and I pulled away as far as I could as fast I could.

Matt seemed confused at first but when Val called his name again, he understood. He looked at the door and then back at me before running hi hand through his hair. "Look Jessie, I want to see you. I'm coming over Monday night."

"Coming over?"

He nodded quickly "Yeah we...we've gotta talk."

"Talk about what what?" I asked but before he could answer Val opened the door.

"Hey have you seen- Matt, I've been looking for you," she said completely clueless "what are you doing?"

I watched his panicked expression change to a completely placid one with a slight smirk. Dimples flashed and you could almost see that she was stunned by them. Damn he was good.

He pointed in my direction "I was just warning Jess that Michelle was on the rampage. Thought she'd appreciate the heads up."

Val chuckled "Probably a good idea. But seriously that's what she gets for trying to climb in Brian's bed," she replied and smiled at me "You sure know how to get yourself in trouble, don't you?"

If she only knew.

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