Ch.17-Rough Start

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I don't like this. I don't think I will ever like this. No matter how much you tell me it's gonna be fun I will not like this. I've had enough of traveling. The past few years of my life had been traveling.

"Are you listening?" Grayson sounded annoyed at this point. He's been talking about something for the last few minutes but I chose not to listen.

"Drake you need to get up!" Armen walked past me dragging Colin behind him. He was talking to him about something. I didn't know where Mia was. It's the morning after me and Colin split and I'm still adjusting. I don't like this....

"-ok?" I turned to Grayson still not following what he was saying. "Drake you need to pay attention!" I know he was getting frustrated. We all were. Lack of sleep played a role in it. It's just about sunrise.

~after several minutes of Grayson trying to explain stuff to Drake later~

"I know you can't talk. I can see it in your eyes that you hate this as much as everyone else. I know traveling used to be fun but now it just bring back memories when we have to go through places from the past but we have to. " I let out a growl of frustration. "It can't be that bad."


Time to go! Yay...

Grayson showed us the map and the route we will follow. It goes through an old town we passed by a few years ago that hold some bad memories of him. And no one wants to pass through it again. Well except for Colin who has no idea what happened there.

I peered over to my left and Grayson was with Drake. We were back at the house and stuff. Drake had his back against the a little stone wall that ran along one side of the house. Armen was trying to try and explain to Colin why everyone hated the one village.

"We are leaving now. We've wasted enough time lets go!" Grayson shouted.

"Drake get up!" Armen was running towards him still dragging Colin around. Poor guy. Not sure why Armen won't let him walk by himself instead of being dragged around be. He was trying not to trip while Armen tugged on his wrist pulling him forwards.

"Come on Drake. Your not gonna sit there for ever." Grayson looked over to me. I got up and started walking to him. This was gonna be interesting. Drake has not been wanting to walk or stand since last night. I guess he's still adjusting. He was about 5"7 before and now he's about 6"5-7 feet tall now? Can't be easy.

"Up!" Armen had let go of Colin and tried to pull on drakes arm who glared at him when he did. "Let's go!"

I continued to watch next to Grayson. This could end badly.

"A little help here?"

"Armen maybe you shouldn't-" Colin was abruptly cut off by Drake growling loudly at Armen me pulling his arm away from him.

"Ok geez calm down. You still need to get up."


"Don't be like that."

"Guys lets go." Grayson started walking off. His mood seemed to go from fine to bad within the last hour.


"Sįth ėękīl §•û tnœd Î" ("I don't like this" backward with a bunch of different weird characters in between. On my phones keyboard if you press and hold on a letter it gives me a bunch of weird options)

I turned and looked at Drake who was behind me to my right by a few steps. It took a few minute but he finally got up and listened.

"Sįth ėękīl tnœd Î" he repeated again but a little louder.

"Ummmm. Does anyone know what he's saying?" Mia asked giving us all confused looks. Drake sighed in annoyance but kept walking.

"Sorry buddy but we don't understand you still. We need to figure out a way around this problem." Armen stated.



"What are you growling at!?"


"Armen, Drake , stop  acting like five year olds." Grayson had glared at both of them earning a sigh from Armen and a annoyed snort from Drake. I wonder if all of their trips from before went like this.

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