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Reader POV

The days after this incident were difficult. [F/N] didn't knew how to face Hajime, so she spent all lunch breaks with Mei and Yoshi and met with Asuka and Chiyo after school. So you could say, [F/N] was avoiding Hajime as good as possible. But it wasn't that difficult. Hajime seemed to need a timeout too, since he didn't text her or talked to her at school. He even went earlier to school, so he wouldn't meet [F/N] in the morning.

"Somehow it feels strange...", the [H/C]-haired said as she took place next to Asuka and Chiyo on the bench. The girl's met in the city park after school on request by [F/N]. "You need to talk to him", Asuka said. "It's not like you did anything wrong. And Iwaizumi didn't know you didn't want this, so it was just a misunderstanding. If you would talk to him, everything would get clear", Chiyo added and smiled encouraging. [F/N] fell in thoughts for a moment. She stared at the evening sky and thought about her relationship with Hajime. Since they got together, they weren't really arguing or mad at each other. Sure they had different opinions sometimes, but Hajime never did something [F/N]didn't want. He always has been kind and open towards her. Funny to think that exactly the same person could be so rejecting towards his best friend and captain.

"He deserved it somehow."

"What did you say?", Asuka and Chiyo asked at the same time and stared irritated at [F/N].
"Nothing", she replied with a nervous smile. I can't believe I said it out loud!
"Let's get crêpes!", Asuka suddenly shouted as she jumped off the bench.
"Let's go", Chiyo smiled and took [F/N]'s hand.

~Time skip~

At home, [F/N] was lying on her bed and stared at her phone.

Asuka-chan: [F/N]-chan, don't forget to talk to him tomorrow! Do your best! (≧∇≦)b

Chiyo-chan: Just as planned, okay?

[F/N]: Yes, I'll do my best!

After [F/N] laid her phone on her pillow, she stood up and went towards her window. Just like the last days, Hajime's curtains were shut. While [F/N] had crêpes with Asuka and Chiyo, they planned on how to make up with Hajime again. It was kinda fun. Actually, the [H/C] wanted to go to the same school as them, but she decided for Seijoh only for Hajime. And now they're not even saying 'good morning' to each other.

If I lose him... I would be alone, right?

It was not right. Just as [F/N] thought about it, Mei and Yoshi popped up in her mind. Now she was thinking about it, [F/N] didn't tell them about the current situation. But if the plan tomorrow goes well, there would be no need.

Before she was going to bed, [F/N] decided to do something she hadn't done for a long time. She opened her window, even although she knew Hajime's were closed. Then she went into the piano room, leaving the doors open and played. She played the same piece like back then when Hajime lost his last match in middle school.
She played for an hour, but Hajime didn't come. [F/N] knew already he wouldn't come, but it hurt her nevertheless. Frustrated, she went back to her room where she jumped on her bed with her face buried into the pillow.

ears flew down her cheeks and landed on her pillow. Sobs followed soon after.

The next thing [F/N] remembered is that she woke up covered in blankets. She sat up and rubbed her eyes while yawning. Since when I was covered in blankets?
The girl took a small look on her phone to check the time. It was 5:54. Six minutes until she would have to wake up. Well it wouldn't be worth it to lie down for the rest few minutes, so she stood up and got in her school uniform. About twenty minutes later, she went down the stairs to the kitchen, where she found her father making pancakes.

"Good morning, darling. I didn't expect you to be so early. Just sit down for a few minutes, breakfast will be ready soon", her father said and gave her a warm smile.
[F/N] smiled back and sat down as she was told. The few minutes she had to wait for breakfast were quiet. Neither [F/N] nor her father said anything. Maybe he was the one covering [F/N] in the blankets. This would mean he knew that she cried, but [F/N] couldn't be sure before she asked her father.

"Last evening."


"Were you in my room?"

[F/N]'s father chuckled and shook his head.
"It must have been Mikage. I wasn't in your room, but when I was washing the dishes last evening, he came downstairs and complained that you will catch a cold if you stay careless like this. Was something wrong?"
Ah right... I didn't tell Dad anything about Hajime ...

"She's just being a careless fool. Nothing new", Mika said as he entered the kitchen.

"Yeah, good morning...", the girl replied and pouted. But in fact, she knew it. Mika just tried to save her and it seemed to work out.

"Couldn't you be nice to your sister?"

"Come on, Dad. I was nice yesterday when I put the blankets over her and closed the window."

[F/N] apologized and smiled shyly at her brother. He smiled back. It was a smile she rarely saw. It was an 'I'm there' smile. Soon after, breakfast was served. While the family was eating breakfast, [F/N] thought about her and Hajime.

He didn't do anything wrong. Neither did she. But she was afraid that she hurt Hajime. Would he forgive her? [F/N] planned a proper apologize between the couple with Asuka and Chiyo. It was supposed to take place today during lunch. The most difficult part would be to ask Hajime to talk. Since they haven't talked for days, who knows how he would react?

"[F/N], if you'll keep being in your own world you'll be late for school", Mika shouted before he left the house.

"Oh right!"

[F/N] got her stuff together and left the house too.

It's time to get back what belongs to me!

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