To be honest...

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I didn't read for mistakes, because I'm lazy. So don't hesitate to tell me if you find anything (^_-)-☆

Reader POV

The school bell rang and [F/N] entered the classroom just in time. She took place at her seat behind Yoshi right next to Mei.

"Why so late?", the male asked worried.

"I was thinking too much. Sorry", [F/N] apologized.

Mei gave her the girl a worried look too, but the teacher started classes. [F/N] was actually lucky about it, because she didn't want to  explain everything.
It took about an eternity until the bell to lunch break rang.

"Let's have lunch on the roof!", Yoshi yelled as he jumped off his seat.

"Good idea. Let's go", Mei said and stood up as well.

" U-uhm... I wanted to-"

"No! You're with us!"

Yoshi grabbed [F/N] by her wrist and pulled her with him out of the classroom. Mei followed the two of them. As they walked through the hallway, [F/N] saw out of the window and spotted Hajime on the schoolyard.
"I have to-"
"Eat lunch with us!"

They didn't even listen to what she said. Of course they couldn't know that it's something important if [F/N] didn't tell them. In the end, the girl couldn't talk to Hajime as planned.
The next days went the same way and soon, it's been a month since the couple last talked to each other.

Hajime POV

So... She doesn't want to talk today too, huh? Maybe I went too far back then...

A month has passed and I still didn't exchange a single word with [F/N]. I was afraid I would lose her. I was stupid to think she was ready for more than only kisses. Maybe she didn't even want to talk to me anymore, but I needed to get things clear.

Practice just ended and I went home with Shittykawa. He was annoying like always, but since my relationship with [F/N] fell on ice, his annoyance reached a whole new level.

"Did you guys broke up?"


"Did you have an argument?"

"Not really."

"What happened then?"

"None of your business."

Oikawa sighed.

"My~ my~ Iwa-chan. You need to tell me what happened, otherwise I won't be able to help you.
"I don't need your help", I answered and turned away from my captain. If only it would be that easy to shake him off...

"I won't stop until you talk to me~"

God, pleas no!

Iwaizumi x Reader *~Childhood friends~* || Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now