The Happy Moments, The Sad Moments

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"Psst! [F/N]! Wake up!"

A light growl from the [H/C]-haired girl. She slowly turned around and opened her [E/C] eyes only to look into Mei's grey ones.

"What's wrong?"

"Get up. I need to show you something."

[F/N] did as she was told and sat up. She stretched a little bit before she followed Mei out of the tent they were sharing.
The girl expected it to be in the middle of the day already and everyone to be awake.
But that was not the case.
The first sunbeams were shining on the grass, letting the morning dew sparkle like diamonds.
And except for her and Mei, no one seemed to be awake.
"Why did you wake me up so early?", she asked as she walked closer to the cliff where Mei sat down. The black-haired girl patted the place next to her, what was a sign for [F/N] to sit down there.

"Just wanted to show you something", the girl smiled and pointed down the cliff.

Waking up that early was really worth it. The sunrise painted the village in a bright red with hints of orange. It was the first time, [F/N] saw something so beautiful.
If only...
No that wasn't the time to think about Hajime. It wasn't the time to feel down and miss him. But she did. She missed Hajime more than anything else on this world. She wanted him to see that too. She wanted him to enjoy this sunrise with her. She wanted to feel his warmth in her heart like the sun's on her face.
But why can't I?

"[F/N]? Is everything alright?"

Said girl looked to her friend. Worry was written all over Mei's face.

"Am I that obvious?"

Mei smiled. "You're crying after all", she answered as she wiped away [F/N]'s tears with the sleeves of her pajama.

"Do you miss him that much?"
[F/N] nodded.

Mei didn't say more. She just hugged the girl tightly and didn't let go for what felt like an eternity. It felt good. It felt like the love of an elder sister. Or maybe a mother? [F/N] couldn't tell. She didn't have an elder sister and her mother passed away long time ago, so she just took in this moment until a big yawn sounded from behind them. [F/N] and Mei separated and turned around. It was Mika, who came closer to the girls to join them.

"Getting emotional by a sunset?", he asked teasingly.

"Shut up."

The [H/C]-haired girl's eyes were red and her face was wet from her tears. She thought herself that she must've looked terrible, so she didn't need any comments. And mostly of all. Who was Mika to talk? He has never been in a relationship before, so he was the last one to understand her feelins, right?
No. [F/N] wanted to believe that, but his facial expression said otherwise. He looked at her with a sad smile.
"Sorry, [F/N]-chan. Just wanted to lighten the mood."

He ruffled his sister's hair and gave her a light hug.

"Once we're back I'm gonna punch him."

"What did you say?" [F/N] couldn't exactly hear what Mika said, since he was whispering it behind her back. Instead of repeating it, Mika just rubbed the back of his neck and smiled nervously.
"I said: How 'bout we push the tent where Yoshinari's sleeping down the cliff?"
"That's not funny", [F/N] said although she was the only one laughing.

"Don't you dare, Mikage!"
So, Yoshi was awake too.

"Since almost everyone is awake, someone should go and wake up Asuka and Chiyo", Mei said as she stood up and headed to the said girls' tent.

"Did she smirk?", Yoshi asked confused and took place to where Mei sat before.

"She has fun in this kind of stuff", [F/N] answered and smiled  sheepishly.

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