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The time has finally come. Golden Weeks have started and [F/N] put in the last stuff she needed for camping. Yoshi's uncle would arrive here anytime soon, so she had to hurry up a bit.

The last things were in the bag.

The bag was closed.

The doorbell rang.

"Ah, just in time!"

[F/N] grabbed her bag and went downstairs where Mika with his own bag in one hand was opening the door to reveal a boy with messy brown hair.

"Yo, [F/N]-chan! Ready to become an adventurer?"

"What do you mean, adventurer? It's just simple camping", said girl smiled as she went closer to her brother and friend.
"Just make sure to be safe!", a voice from the kitchen sounded. It was [F/N]'s father. He came out of the kitchen with a wet glass and towel in each of his hands.
"Whatever you want, the girl smiled and ran over to her father to hug him. He placed a slight kiss on his daughter's cheeks before they separated and stretched his arms towards Mika afterwards.

"No hugs, dad-"

But to Mika's fortune, he wasn't hugged. It was only that his father ran with his hand through his son's hair, ruining it completely.

"Fine then", [F/N]'s dad said and smiled mischievous.

"Take care of [F/N], Mikage", he said as he went back into the kitchen.

"I'm not a babysitter!"

"And I'm not five anymore!"

"Guys, my uncle's waiting!"

~Time skip~


Mika stretched his whole body as he let himself fall down in the high grass.
"Honestly. Four hours in this van with four girls and no break was really too much" Yoshi sighed  and sat down next to Mika.
Somehow they got along pretty well. They liked the same movies, and TV show's and even music. It was something [F/N] got to know in the past hours.
"You're the most worn out here, although you was the one who wanted to drive non-stop?", Mei pointed out and  dropped her stuff as well.
"But honestly, the view from up here is so beautiful", Asuka said as she looked around.


After four hours of driving, the group of teenagers had to walk up a mountain until they got to the place they wanted to. It was pretty high, but the trouble was worth it. The place (Yoshi chose it) was a flat part of the mountain which was surrounded by its stone. Two sides were left free: The side where the mountain goes straight down and the side where the path was, which [F/N] just had to walk up. There were wildflowers everywhere and the sunlight shone directly on the big field of grass.

Looking down the mountain, [F/N] could see a small village. It's not that far away from here, so it could be useful for the worst case.  [F/N] enjoyed the view, but she took distance from the cliff, fearing that she could fall.
Her fear grew as she suddenly felt two hand grabbing her shoulders and pushing her sightly forward.



Yoshi laughed and pulled the girl closer toward him.
"Just kidding, don't worry", he smiled and let go of her.
[F/N] sighed and went away from the cliff. Yoshi panicked slightly and went after her. "Are you mad? I'm sorry, [F/N]! I'm sorry!!!"
The male caught up to [F/N] and grabbed her shoulder, turning her around. She wasn't mad at all. She smiled. And it was none of her usual happy and cheering smiles. It was full of mischief.
"If that's the case, then show your regret by building up the tents, while Ami, Asuka, Chiyo and me explore the forest here~"
With these words, [F/N] and the other girls headed back to the path they just went up.
"We'll take our time, so don't push yourselves!", Asuka shouted to the boys while they disappeared behind the mass of trees and bushes.
"I've read that there's a river somewhere nearby, so I wanted to look for it", Chiyo said.

"Why didn't you tell earlier? We could've brought our swimsuits with us",Asuka sighed.

Mei smirked. "You don't need to wear a swimsuit to go into the water. We're young, wild and free. Plus: I don't think anyone would watch us. Right, [F/N]-chan?"

"Nobody, except the boys", said girl answered with blushed cheeks. She would never even think about swimming in her underwear or even naked. Not here. Not when her brother or school friend could watch her.

"Look, there it is!"

Asuka was right. Through trees and bushes, the girls could see a small river. As they fought their way towards it, they saw the river wasn't deep. It propably went until [F/N]'s knees and the drift wasn't that strong. It was enough to put in the feet. And [F/N] wasn't the only one who thought about it. Asuka put off her shoes already and placed them under a small bush. Then she rolled up her pants and went in.

"Ah~ it's so cold~ You guys should come here too!"

[F/N] hadn't to be told twice. She did the same as her friend and stepped into the cold and refreshing water of the river. Chiyo and Mei joined too.
The water was cold, but the girls got used to it fast. They started joking around by splashing each other. It's been a long time since [F/N] laughed that much.

"I wish Hajime could-"

"Not gonna do that again!", Mei shouted mischievous and gave [F/N] a slight push. The [H/C]-haired girl slipped on a slippy stone and fell into the water.

"WOAH! [F/N]", the three girls shouted before they went over to their friend to help her up.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't want this to happen", Mei apologized and hugged [F/N] tightly. Said girl only laughed. She was completely soaked and cold, but Mei was right. [F/N] shouldn't think about Hajime now. She should just have fun now and deal with her boyf-
ex-boyfriend later. She actually wanted to have fun now.
"If you are sorry, Mei-chan, then-"
[F/N] jumped onto Mei, what caused both girls to fall into the water.
"[F/N], you're so mean!"
[F/N] smirked. "Revenge."

"Girls! Are you okay?"

It was Yoshi. He came running through the same way as the girls before, followed by Mikage.
He immediatly stopped running, as he saw the four girls standing in the river and looking at him. Yoshi's sudden stop caused Mika to run into him and Yoshi on the other hand tripped forward and fell into the water.
"Your fault for stopping", Mika pointed out and turned his back towards Yoshi, so he couldn't see him laughing. But he couldn't hear. And everyone else laughed tooo. Everyone excpet for Yoshi. He pouted his chees and sat up. It didn't seem like he intended to stand up.

"Sorry for laughing, Yoshi. Let me help you up", [F/N] giggled and reached out a hand to the male.
She couldn't see much of his face, since it was mostly covered by his hair. But she could've sworn to see a hint of red on his cheeks. However, Yoshi took her hand and stood up.
"Anyways, the tents are standing and we wanted to have a barbecue. So?"

"Great!", Asuka shouted and jumped out of the river. "But I don't want to put on my shoes with wet feet, but walking with bare feet will hurt~" The girl looked at Mika with puppy-eyes. The male just sighed and bowed down. 

"Jump on already."
Asuka jumped on Mikas back, while Chiyo, Mei and [F/N] just put on their shoes.

"I'll take her shoes", Chiyo said and so, they followed Mika back to the tents.

  I'm not done with the camping part yet, so don't panick. There will be a second part~
And sorry for this late update!!!

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