Chapter 2

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I was shocked when he handed me the key to my new apartment and told me the directions to get there, and now I'm standing in front of my new apartment. luckily it's the same one as minhyuk so at least I will feel comfortable. I open the door but as I do the door beside my apartment opens and someone walks out. He was on the phone he was around my height with black hair that had a blue tint to it he was muscular too his muscles showing from the shirt he was wearing.

    I clear my throat and walk into my apartment closing the door behind me I look around. It was a big apartment there was stairs leading to a second floor and I walked up them seeing multiple doors all of them being an empty room except the last one. One wall had a big window that almost covered the whole wall it was filled with shelves that had different art supplies and multiple canvases. I was at awe from seeing the room.

I heard light knocking from downstairs so I went down, I look through the peep hole and saw the guy from next door.

I opened the door the guy immediately putting something in front of me. It was a huge box rapped in gift wrapping paper, horribly may I add. "I heard someone was going to move in soon and thought it would be nice if I got them a gift" I looked up the unknown guy looking serious I take the box from him "why thank you my name is Peary Winkle and yours is" he stared at me in shock as I started laughing "I'm joking or am I?" He let out a soft chuckle.

I smiled he then replied "well I'm twinkle toes" I take my hand out "nice to meet you twinkle toes" he shakes my hand "oh please the pleasure is mine thank you for taking my gift your Majesty" he says with sarcasm before he did a tiny bow.

    His smile had grown and so had mine before I heard a cough from beside him I looked over and saw changkyun "I got worried since you hung up on me and I had asked your dad where you were" I nod and turn back to twinkle toes "thank you for the gift twinkle toes" he nodded before giving me another smile and heading back to his apartment.

When I looked at changkyun he had a small pout. "I got so worried when you hung up" I sighed and hugged him "I'm sorry I panicked when I noticed my room was completely empty" he chuckled a little bit. I turned and took him inside the apartment.

He immediately sat on my couch laying flat on his stomach I smiled as I saw the sight and went to lay on top of him. "Ugh you're killing me" I placed my head on his shoulder "no I'm not I'm giving you affection" he gave me a glare before lifting his hand and hitting my back. "Ouch I'm in so much pain" I say sarcastically he glares once more before he pushes me off the couch the carpet helping my fall slightly. "Okay that actually hurt" I said changkyun then deciding to fall on top of me I grunt "oops that was on accident" it was my turn to glare at him. He flipped himself so he was on top of me.

    "We haven't been in this position in a while" changkyun said before kissing me. I followed his lead and his hand started traveling up my shirt as I started to unbutton his pants the door to the apartment is slammed open. I push changkyun off and sit up "I didn't think that would actually work, hyungwon you should learn how to lock your doors" minhyuk rants as he walks into the living room he stops walking and stares.

"Oh shit I'm sorry I didn't know you guys were going to do a celebratory frickle frackle for the new apartment I didn't even know you he was here I'm so sorry" minhyuk went on and on until I stopped him.

"Minhyuk chill out and I'll definitely lock the door next time" changkyun sighed and buttoned up his pants. Minhyuk smiled innocently before walking to the big box I had abandoned by the front door.

"Can I open it!" He said excitedly "sure it was from twinkle toes next door" minhyuk giggled and opened it "THIS IS SO CUTE!" He yelled as he took out a big turtle plush I stood up to grab it "this is nice I'll repay him soon" I said as I started walking toward changkyun once again. I notice changkyun seriousness and sigh "if it makes you feel better I'm only going to make him ramen" I cuddle up to him on the couch and we lay there.

Minhyuk then decides to speak up "you know he actually really likes ramen" I look at him "really?", "Yeah he loves it" minhyuk laughs, and I become confused "how did you know?" Minhyuk looks startled but then replies "I have a class with him and we live in the same hall so I bumped into him once and we talked, nothing special" I nod and hold onto changkyun. minhyuk biding his goodbye and leaving.


I couldn't have ever imagined that's how her son grew up to be, I had only seen baby pictures. He does have her eyes ,and her sense of humor. She had told me he loved turtles.

After I called her to tell her he was fine and didn't seem to have any injury she cried and thanked me. It was my mission to bring him back home but that boyfriend of his doesn't seem like he will leave him anytime soon.

I sigh telling my boss about their son his step dad was glad to hear that hyungwon finally moved away from that horrid man. I hear a knock on my door and finish the call with my bosses I open the door and see minhyuk "so you're twinkle toes now"

I shake my head and shut the door as he walks in "look I just played along its not like I'm going to do anything"

    Minhyuk squinted his eyes at me "if you say so, anyway he might come around with ramen" I smile widely hearing that I was going to be able to eat my favorite dish "and we need to head to work now remember we're getting new people today" I nod and go to get changed. Minhyuk then dragging me to my car.

---- TIME SKIP ---

I made my way to my apartment after dropping off minhyuk. I got in an argument with one of the new members he punched me in the face and let's just say he didn't stop after that. One thing I did learn was that The Ruthless are getting stronger so we need these people.

I also have a new mission that I hope I'll be able to complete tomorrow morning. I go into my restroom and fix up my wounds and try to make myself look less beat up than I did.


I had woken up to changkyun sitting up "good morning" I smile to him. Changkyun smiles back "I need to go my parents have been blowing up my phone I'll come over later" I nod and he gives me a quick peck before leaving.

I sighed and stood up as well getting dressed and grabbing my stuffed turtle. Changkyun had already walked out by the time I got to the kitchen. I look through my whole kitchen and choose a random pot and found the ramen. I decided I was going to give it to Mr.twinkle toes today as I just wanted to get it over with.

    I prepared it quickly and looked at the time 12:30. He should be awake by now right?. I took the pot with me after I made sure I could grab it, my turtle being under my arm and the pot in both hands I struggled to open the door. But as I got to twinkle toes door and knocked lightly I started debating whether to keep the pot to myself or actually give it to twinkle toes.

The door opened twinkle toes standing on the other side with his pajamas, cuts and bruises were all around his face. "I came to give you some ramen as a thank you for the turtle" I say quietly.

    He nods and invites me inside I set the pot on his table as he brings bowls and chopsticks he serves us both a decent amount. We are in silence as we were both too awkward to start a conversation "so if you don't mind me asking how did you get those bruises?" Twinkle toes looked up at me "some jerk at work, nothing too serious" I nod. Twinkle toes stood up I assumed to put away his bowl I heard a whisper behind me "I'm sorry" and something covers my face.

I panic and tried to move the strong hand from my face but it was no use as I was becoming weak and passed out.


I left hyungwons apartment to go see jooheon I would be lying if I said that I actually liked hyungwon I'm just taking care of him, and I get good money for it too so I don't feel to bothered working for The Ruthless I know hyungwons dad is messed up but so am I.

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