Chapter 1: Returning Home

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The gang arrived back at Texas, returning to their apartment. "It's great to be back," said Mateo. "It sure is," said Dinah. "Yeah, why don't we unpack and eat dinner," said Jack. The group went up to their rooms and started unpacking. "Well, it was a waste to take the lube bottle with us," said Seth, taking out his clothes and putting them in his drawers. "Yeah," said Jack, grabbing his clothes. Seth walked up to Jack and wrapped his arms around him. "You know, maybe we can have sex right now?" he asked. "Well, we'll see," said Jack, low and husky. He kissed Seth before returning to his clothes. After a few minutes of unpacking, Jack and Seth headed down the stairs. They got the table set when they heard the others coming down. "Remember when we went to the festival?" asked Raven. "Yeah, the roller coasters were so much fun," stated Selina with excitement in her voice. "Oh, and the beach," said Liza. "When? When Harry snuck up on me, or when we went there for relaxation?" asked Dinah. "The second one," said Liza. "Oh yeah, remember when you buried me in the sand?" asked Dinah. "Oh yeah. You couldn't move and you started to get mad when we didn't dig you out," said Raven. "Yeah thanks for that. I think I still have sand in my hair," replied Dinah with a hint of anger in her tone. "Hey, can you guys help out?" asked Seth. The girls headed towards the kitchen to help. Soon, Sam and Mateo walked out. Sam had an angry look, and Mateo looked upset. "Hey," said Selina. "Hey," said Sam, coldly. "Mateo, what's wrong?" asked Raven. Mateo motioned Raven towards the living room for privacy. "Hey Sam, can you help me season the chicken?" asked Seth. Sam complied without saying a word. "Hey Dinah, does this taste good?" asked Jack. Dinah tried the rice that Jack prepared. "Mm. It needs a little more tomato paste," stated Dinah. "OK," said Jack, pouring the tomato paste. "How about now?" asked Jack. "Mmm. Yep that's it," replied Dinah. Meanwhile, Raven was talking with Mateo. "OK, so what happened?" asked Raven. "Well...," started Mateo.

(Mateo's POV)
Me and Sam were unpacking our clothes. I walked past Sam when he moved his foot in my way. Sam started to walk by me, accidentally tripping me in the process. Sam noticed and hold me in a protective way, preventing me from falling to the ground. I stared into Sam's eyes. His eyes were a very kind yet serious dark brown. All of a sudden, without control, I kissed him in the lips. When I pulled back, all I saw was shocked and soon, I saw anger. He dropped me and he looked at me with hatred and disgust. "Why would you do that?" he said, practically shouting. "I-I don't know." My voice was shaking, thinking he would do something to me. He was pacing back and forth, trying to finds words for what to say next. "I-I'm sorry." I was so scared I couldn't move or say anything other than what I just said. "You better be sorry because if you do it again, I'll make you sorry that you kissed me in the first place," he growled through his teeth. He then went back to unpacking. I sat there for a few seconds before I got up and unpack, avoiding him every time he got near me.
(End of POV)

"Sam said that?" asked Raven. "I thought that was the TV." Mateo shook his head while tears started to form. "I'm sorry," said Raven, giving the other a comforting hug. "Just give Sam some space. Just let him cool down. I'm sure he'll forgive you." "I hope you're right," said Mateo. "Come on, let's go help out," said Raven. She grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen. All of them helped out for dinner. Soon after, the food was done, and everyone were ready to eat. Everyone sat at their usual spots except for Raven and Mateo who sat at each other's spots. Mateo sat in front of Sam, but now, he was so afraid to sit at that spot because of what happened. While they ate, Mateo accidentally caught Sam's eyes. Sam shot a mean glare which gave Mateo a shiver down his spine. Mateo just sat there in fear. "Hey guys, I've been think," started Raven. "Why don't we visit high school?" "That sounds like a good idea," replied Dinah. "Yeah, we should see how our friends are doing." "I wonder how Anthony's doing," said Raven. "Oh yeah, Anthony. Your boyfriend," stated Jack. "Yeah, I wonder how Hector and Francesca are doing in their relationship." "Same for Kat," said Sam, finally looking up. Mateo noticed and tried to not make eye contact. "Ooh, and Kayla," said Dinah. "Yeah and Vianca, Sabrie, Hanna, and the others," said Seth. "So it's decided. We're going back to school," said Selina. "Yeah, that doesn't sound as fun as you think," replied Mateo, voice shaking. After a few minutes of eating and chatting, they cleaned up and headed towards their rooms. "Hey Mateo. Why don't you sleep in our room. I don't think Sam cool down yet," said Raven. "Sure," he replied. Mateo went into the girls room. "Why is he here?" asked Selina. "He and Sam have trouble earlier and now Sam is mad at him so he'll be sleeping here until Sam cooled down," said Raven. "OK," said Liza, a little uneasy at the idea. "Well, we have an extra blanket and me and Selina could share a pillow," said Dinah. "OK," said Mateo, grateful to have friends who stand by him. In Sam's room, Sam was sitting on his bed, his head in his hands. Still upset about what happen earlier. "Maybe I came on a little too hard on him," thought Sam. He laid down and grabbed the remote and started flipping channels. In the other room, Jack and Seth were laughing, reliving their memories. "Remember when you told me you liked me?" asked Seth, holding Jack's hand. "Yeah," said Jack. "Why did you take so long to tell me?" asked Seth. "It took me a lot of courage to tell you. I mean, it took me awhile to tell the others that I'm gay," stated Jack. "Well, at least you finally told me otherwise we wouldn't be together," said Seth. "Yeah, now I'm yours," said Jack, kissing Seth. Soon, they were making out. Seth lifted Jack's shirt while Jack got on top of Seth. "Claim me, daddy," moaned Jack. Soon after, the night was filled with pleasure filled moans.

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