Chapter 20: Kidnapped By Psychos

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In their room, Jack and Seth were sleeping. Last night, the had sex again. Seth had his head on Jack's chest. Jack soon woke up and saw Seth peacefully sleeping. "Puddin, you have no idea how cute you look," he whispered. "Oh yeah?" Seth asked. "You've been awake, haven't you?" Jack asked. "Yep," replied the other. Jack got up and went to the bathroom. After a few minutes of getting ready, Seth had planned on visiting Jack's job. He arrived to find a few animals roaming around. Then he heard a roar and saw a tiger running towards him. Seth was prepared to fend off the animal until Jack jumped in between them. Jack held his hand in front of the animal while crouching down. He then went up to it and ran his hands through the fur, calming the tiger. "He doesn't know your scent, so he attacks anyone he doesn't know. Also, his sister was killed during the poacher attack," stated Jack. "So, how can I get him to know my scent?" asked Seth. "Just hold out your hand," replied Jack. Seth did so, and the tiger sniffed his hand. As the tiger left, Jack hugged Seth as a greeting. "So this is what it's like, to be with animals," said Seth. "Yep," replied the other. "Do you want to see the animals we have?" "Sure," replied Seth. The two walked around seeing the animals. "Hey Jack, we need your help with the crocodiles," said a guy. He was dressed in the same uniform, but he had a tanned skin, was muscular, dark brown eyes that look innocent yet frightening when he gets mad, and wild, chin-length, dark brown hair. "OK, Matt," said Jack. As he walked up to him, Seth grabbed his arm. "What's wrong?" asked Jack. "I don't trust him," replied Seth. "What? He's a friend. He would never hit on me. He's not like Matthew," said Jack. "Please, just let me do this." Seth let go of his arm, and Jack went with Matt. "So, Draco wants to get rid of those amateurs?" asked Delilah. "Yep, I have an idea," said Harley. "So, what do I get to do?" asked Delia. "Get anyone you want who is part of the duel masters," replied Harley. "On it," said Delia. At the crocodile enclosure, Jack, Matt and other people carried a crocodile to another enclosure. Then, they heard a commotion coming from the bird enclosure. Then, they heard the hyenas go crazy. "You guys go see what's going on with the birds, and I'll go check on the hyenas," said Jack. Jack reached the hyenas and saw Delisle-la and Blaze Belcher were causing the commotion. "Essence Elf," said Jack. "Lilac Vortex." A vortex of green and purple petals whirled at Delisle-la, knocking her back, but Blaze Belcher burped flames at it. "Delisle-la, string grab," said Harley coming out of the shadows. The puppet was behind Jack and the strings soon wrapped around him. "We got him," said Delilah. When Seth was looking for Jack, he heard someone screaming his name. He looked and saw Jack being taken by the clown girls. "Hey! Let him go!" he shouted. Before he reached them, they vanished.

Back at the apartment, Seth was freaking out just like Harry did but way less. "Where is he?" he asked. "He might be in the Realms," said Sonya. "Or here on Earth," said Selina. "What if Henry can track Jack's location?" asked Drake. "Can you do that?" asked Liza. Henry just nodded. "Do it," said Seth. Henry pulled out his phone and started typing. He soon went into a map and already, it showed a red dot. "Found him," he said, whispering. "Hey, where's Gil?" asked Raven. "What? He was here a moment ago," said Harry, freaking out. "Maybe he got kidnapped with Jack," said Darcy. "If we can follow the location, maybe we can find them," said Drake. "OK, so where are they?" asked Harry.

At an abandoned warehouse, Jack was tied up against a beam. "Where am I?" he asked. "Jack? Is that you you?" asked a male. "Gil? he asked back. "Yep," he replied. "Where are we?" "My old hideout," replied a girl. The three came out, and it was Harley, Delilah and Delia. "Old Harls was a killer here in California," stated Delilah. "We're in California? That's hundreds of miles from home," said Jack. "It sure is," replied Delia. "It's the perfect place so you're friends won't find you." "Girls, time to eliminate them," said Draco, coming out of the shadows. The girls summoned their creatures. "Delisle-la, make it slow and painful," said Harley. "You too, Steel Hammer," said Delia. "And you will burn their remains, Blaze Belcher," said Delilah. Just as the creatures were just about to kill the two, a blast of water energy knocked the girls down. "Who's there?" asked Draco. It was Harry, Liza, and Seth. "How did you get here?" growled Harley. "Raven teleported us," said Liza. The three summoned their creatures. Liza's creature was Hydrobot Crab. It was a blue, mechanical crab with red eyes, the claws were pointing forward, with six legs, and a long tail. "Delisle-la, dismantle that Undertow Engine," said Harley. She was talking about Hydrobot because that was its species. "Crush that Aquan," said Delia, meant for Nomulos. "And take down that Armored Dragon," said Delilah, meant for Bolshack. Delisle-la was slashing at Hydrobot, Steel Hammer kept smashing his ax at Nomulos, and Blaze Belcher was gulping down everything in sight and belched it at Bolshack's face. Jack pulled out a black knife with red Harley Quinn diamonds on the blade, and freed the two "Come on Gil, let's take him down," said Jack. The two charged at Draco, having him dodging their attacks. "Essence Elf!" shouted Jack. "Vine drill!" "Jackalax!" shouted Gil. "Wolf howl!" A giant vine came out, but Draco missed. Jackalax howled a strong blast of sound waves, but Draco dodged it, too. "You think it will end that easily?" asked Draco, pulling out his gauntlet. "Trox, General of Destruction!" A giant brownish orange, muscular, four-armed creature came out. The face had yellow horns that went around his dull blue eyes, longhorn horns with yellow markings that point up, and an underbite with fanged teeth. The upper torso is bare with the upper set of arms crossed and the lower set of arms hold weapons: a double headed war ax with a long, metal handle in the right hand, and a warring states sword in the left hand. It had eight, black spikes coming out of his back pointing to the sides, and a black snake tail with brownish orange markings on the upper portion. "Flatten them," said Draco. The creature slashed and smashed his weapons in an attempt to hit the two. "Plant Toxins," said Jack. Just as Elf was about to blow the toxins, Trox spun, hit Elf with his tail and slashing the creature, vanishing it. "Jackalax, Razor Wind," said Gil. Jackalax flapped its arms, stirring up the air to creature a tornado. Trox was overwhelmed and had his ax knocked out of his hand. He then whipped his tail, causing Jackalax to vanish. "Now, finish them!" shouted Draco. Trox smashed his sword at Gil. Fortunately, he dodged it and grabbed the ax. It was heavy, but Gil managed to to throw it at Trox, impaling him. As soon Trox vanished, Draco looked at Gil with interest. "Guys, let's go!" shouted Jack. Everyone rallied around him, and Seth was holding Jack's hand, and Harry did the same thing while Gil got closer to him. "Epistrépste mas píso sto spíti makriá apó aftó to kakó," said Jack. A blue light swirled around them before they disappeared in a flash of blue light. "Ugh, they escaped," growled Delilah. "Don't worry, maybe we can get that Gil kid into our side and maybe even more," said Draco, whispering that last four words. Soon, he got a phone call. "Yes?" he asked. "My lord, we found Marishka," said Freddie. "I'm on my way," said Draco, hanging up.

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