Chapter 14: Into The Flames Part 2

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Draglide crashed to the ground, and the gang tumbled. "Who shot us down?" asked Mateo. "That would be me," said a creature. He had a dull yellow mask-like face with blue eyes, brownish red horns, black head cover, a dark green suit with bags on his belt and skin-tight shorts. He has straps on both wrists and on the upper right arm with a bag. His skin was dark orange, the tail was brownish red with a dull yellow underside. He came in on a dragon. "Burnclaw the Relentless," said Shane. "Master Shane and his apprentice" he said. "Why did you shot us down?" asked Drake. "I got the feeling you were here," said Burnclaw. "Why are you here?" "We're here to rescue a friend," said Mateo. "Well, you should go to Blastforge City," said Burnclaw. "Yeah, that's where the hell we're going," said Drake, angrily. "You better hurry. You're friend might end up as a meal," said the creature. The gang got on Draglide and flew off.

In a kitchen, Raven was thrown into a cage. "Well, you might make a good meal," said Vorg. Vorg was an obese dull olive yellow creature. He wore a horned helmet with holes for the eyes that covers his upper face. He wore red backwards suspenders with a blue orb, a red loincloth, and brown sandals. He also wore a shoulder pad, wrist armor with the right hand replaced with a butcher knife, and knee armor. "Well, this is the end for me," said Raven. She then heard a noise coming from the back of the cage which was pitch black. She pulled out her gauntlet and it started to glow. She cautiously walked to the back. Then, a purple creature appeared, shaking in fear. It then covered it's eyes because of the light. "Aw. Don't be afraid," said Raven. The creature was big dull purple koala-like creature. It was as tall as Gil or more. It had a dull lavender underside, pink border around the eyes: black eyes with thin red irises, and yellow pupils, a row of small spikes running down its back, light gray horns that curve down with dark gray swirl marks, three long black claws, and a small platypus tail. "Time to get cooking," said Vorg in the distance. "We can't get killed here. We need to escape," said Raven. She walked up to the bars and tried to squeeze through. The cage was only meant for big creatures. She managed to get through and grabbed the keys. She then unlocked the cage and freed the creature. "Hey!" shouted Vorg. "Get back in your cage!" The creature got Raven on its back and ran on all fours. "Guards!" shouted Vorg. Soon, Raven and the creature were being chased by the reptile guards. The creature continued to run until it ended up being cornered. The guards surrounded the two while Raven got off. "It's going to be OK," said Raven, terrified. She closed her eyes and braced for what's coming next. Nothing happened and that's when she opened her eyes. The guards just stood there. She then looked up at the creature and saw it hypnotizing them with its ability to look adorable. "Aww," she said. Then the creature opened its mouth wide and inky purple bats came out and attacked the guards. "Wow. Now that's gross," she said. She then got on the creature and made a run for it.

The gang entered Blastforge City. The streets were crowded by Fire creatures and market shops. "Where can Raven be?" asked Sonya. "Maybe Tatsurion can pick up her scent," said Drake. "We could give it a try," said Shane. "Tatsurion the Unchained!" shouted Drake. Tatsurion appeared while attracting attention. "Tatsurion, can you pick up Raven's scent?" asked Drake. "Sure. Maybe I can try picking up a human scent," he said. He sniffed the air and already picked up the scent. The gang soon followed Tatsurion through the city. Henry looked around hearing noises and whispers. Then he heard footsteps behind them. He looked and saw guards running towards them. "Guys," he said. Mateo and Sonya looked back and saw them. "Guys, we have trouble," said Sonya. The rest turned around and were soon captured. They were taken to Lord Skycrusher's castle. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" asked Skycrusher. "Tatsurion the Unchained, Master Shane, and Drake." Tatsurion started to get pissed by Skycrusher's presence. "You are guilty of the crimes you committed," he said. "Let us go!" growled Tatsurion. "I'll let you go if... you win a battle with them," said Skycrusher. He pointed to the humans with his sword that he already had. "Get them to the Colosseum," he said. The guards grabbed the humans and Skycrusher forcefully commanded Tatsurion by using his sword which had flames around it. "What's that?" asked Mateo. "It's the Sword of Fiery Cataclysm," said Shane. "It's an artifact just like the Shield of Unity. It can be used to control Armored Dragons, and Tatsurion is half Armored Dragon." The blade was long and gold with orange lining, the guard was large, gold and had a fire style with the fire symbol. Mateo pulled out a black escrima stick that has a light blue end and smacked the guard in the stomach. He then freed Henry, but then he was captured again. "Run Henry!" shouted Mateo. Scared, Henry ran as fast as he can. "Leave him. The citizens will get him," said Skycrusher. They soon left to the Colosseum.

Henry ran out of the palace and bumped into a creature. He sat there, frozen in fear and saw the purple creature. "Hey Henry," said Raven, as she got off. "R-Raven? Y-You're alive?" he asked. "Yep, and I made a friend," she said. "Y-You made a friend with Scaradorable of Gloom Hollow?" he asked. "Yep," she said. "There they are!" shouted a creature from the distance. They both looked and saw the guards. "Shit. They found us. Come on, we have to go," she said. They got on Scaradorable and left.

The Colosseum floor was like magma; a hard rock floor with lava between the gaps. The seats were in two levels, and there was a platform with a throne for Skycrusher. "Release Tatsurion the Unchained!" he shouted. Tatsurion entered with everyone cheering. "Release his opponents!" Skycrusher shouted. The group entered, some with fear of dying. "Tatsurion, you'll be free if you kill them," said Skycrusher. He lifted the Sword of Fiery Cataclysm and controlled Tatsurion with his eyes glowing yellow. Tatsurion didn't hesitate to attack. The group dodged, and Shane, Mateo, and Sonya summoned their creature. "Gilaflame, slash him," said Shane. "Badlands, sic 'em," said Mateo. "Blinder Beetle, light this place up," said Sonya. Gilaflame ran and slashed at Tatsurion, Badlands started to viciously attacking him, and Blinder Beetle blasted a light beam. Tatsurion survived the first two attacks and dodged the third one. It the distance, Raven, Scaradorable, and Henry saw the battle. "We have to save them," she said. "I got it. We need a substance that can blind Tatsurion, but we need to be above him so it will work," said Henry. "OK," Raven said as she and Henry got on Scaradorable and left. Back at the fight, Tatsurion whipped his chain at Blinder Beetle, and it was pushed back. Badlands lunged at him but was grabbed and thrown at Gilaflame. Tatsurion fired rockets at Blinder Beetle and it vanished in a bright light. "Tatsurion, stop!" shouted Drake. Tatsurion was about to hit Drake when Gilaflame shoved Drake out of the way and ended up vanishing from the hit. "Tatsurion, fight the sword's command. You're a hybrid; You're an Armored Dragon and a Beast Kin. Let your nature show," said Drake. Tatsurion heard and was fighting the command. "Guys, what's happening?" asked Raven as she came in. "Drake's helping Tatsurion fight over the command he's put in," said Sonya. "Where's Henry?" asked Shane. "Look up," replied Raven. They looked up and saw a green hot air balloon-like creature flying above. "Fly higher, Gasbag," said Henry. Gasbag was green with red spots and yellow tendrils going down ending in a 'basket' and some hanging down. "Tatsurion, you can fight it!" exclaimed Drake. Tatsurion struggled but eventually succeeded. "What!? How can he resist the command!" Skycrusher exclaimed. "Come on, let's go," said Drake as he got on Tatsurion. "No one is leaving!" shouted Skycrusher. "Bolgash Dragon!" A 250 ft high, giant dragon came out. It was red with dull strawberry underside. It wore dark gray armor on its chest, shoulders, upper legs, and wrists. There were flamethrowers on both shoulders. It had blue eyes and a helmet that covers its face with two large tail pipes and yellow horns, and a chin piece with a yellow spike. "Kill them," commanded Skycrusher. Then, Scaradorable turned inside out. It turned unto an inky purple wolf-like creature with three, small, yellow eyes, large fangs, a crown of spikes that ran down its upper back, an untamed, long tail, and a yellow zipper on its right thigh. "Whoa, well I guess it has a dark side," said Raven. "It's a she," said Sonya, getting on Tatsurion, followed by Mateo. Mateo send Badlands back to its home. Bolgash fire a flamethrower at the group, but they dodged it. "Scaradorable, scream," said Raven. Scaradorable released a high pitch roar at Bolgash's knee, making it fall. Up in the air, Henry dropped the substance in the dragon's eyes, blinding it. "Run!" shouted Shane as he got on Scaradorable. Tatsurion and Scaradorable ran around the dragon and out the Colosseum. "NO!" shouted Skycrusher.

The gang was out of Blastforge City. Then, they met up with Henry who was about to land. "Is this everyone?" asked Shane. "Yep," said Drake. Henry send Gasbag to the Nature Civilization while Shane opened a portal to Earth.

Back on Earth, everyone left to go home. "Hey Henry, can I talk to you?" asked Drake, hesitantly. "Umm.... sure," responded Henry, quietly. "Can we hang out tomorrow?" asked Drake. "Like what friends do?" asked Henry. "N-No... Like more than friends," the other said. "What do you mean?" asked Henry. "I mean like as boyfriend and boyfriend. You see, I like you," hesitantly replied Drake. "You like me? Why?" asked Henry, getting scared of the idea because of his dad. "You're nice, sweet, smart, and you're look so cute when you're shy," stated Drake. "Umm.... S-Sure," shyly said Henry. "See, that's what I mean. You're even blushing," said Drake. "I'll pick you up tomorrow." He kissed Henry's cheek before he walked Henry home.

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