Chapter 26: Save The World Part 3

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Drake fell to the ground when Tygrif blasted him. Henry ran to his side, and Aqua Initiate launched an anchor at it. "Babe, I'm alright," Drake said. "Drake, we got two of the artifacts!" Darcy shouted. "Good, now we need to get the rest and close the veil," said Aurora. "Rusalka, Psionic Lockdown!" Rusalka sent out article blue circles at Tygrif, making it writhe in pain. "No! My art, my precious Tygrif!" evil Jack shouted. Tygrif vanished and Venom Worm rushed in to fight. " Ra-vu, electric tornado, " said Lucas. Ra-vu spun its staff so fast that it whip up the winds, sent a tornado at Venom Worm and electrify it, vanishing the Darkness creature in the process. "Drake, take us to the Monarchs," said Darcy as Marrow Ooze attacked Delisle-la. Drake, Henry, Darcy and Raven got on Draglide and flew away. "Jack, we need a spell to free our creatures," said Sheena. "On it!" shouted the good Jack. "Bloodmane, club bash." Bloodmane repeatedly smashed its club at Orion and bought time for both of them to retreat. He was about to recite the spell when he saw Seth in trouble. " Ousía tis fýsis, prostatéfste aftó pou agapó," he said. Just as about Aqua Trickster and Rapids Lurker, which Verona also summoned, were about to attack, large vines shielded Seth when the Water creatures attack, and a few more vines came out of the ground and sent the creatures flying. "That's babe," Seth said. Jack smiled and recited the spell, " Afíste tous desmoús tis agápis sas na ftásoun sta plásmata pou échoun tyflotheí apó to kakó. Afíste tous na doun to fos." Chaotic waves of arctic blue and arctic pink expanded all through out the area. Essence Elf, Halon, Saucer-Head Shark, Stonesaur, Tatsurion and Badlands Lizard shook off the effects of being controlled by the enemy. "Halon, Light punch," said Dinah. "Shaw K'Naw, blinding light." "Stonesaur, rock daggers," said Sam. "Hissy, Blaze roll." "Saucer-Head, Ray Blast," said Sheena. "Hydro Spy, Agile Capture." "Badlands, rage chase," said Mateo. "Kenina, Fire barrage." "Bloodmane, tribal war," said Jack. "Essence Elf, Green Luxuriant Ivy." Tatsurion grabbed his chain whip, lit it on fire and whipped it at the opposing creatures. All the creatures attacked the opposing creatures, all vanishing as soon as they were hit." Magía epistrofí stous idioktítes tous apó to Sirens katanoísoun," said Jack. The energy the Dazzlings stole came out and returned to Jack. "What?!" Aria asked. "What did you do?!" Adagio growled. "I don't have my magic anymore," said Sonata. "Of course, dumbass," said Aria. They lost their pony ears, extended hair, and wings. "I reclaimed my magic that you stole," said Jack. "This isn't over," said Marishka. Everyone left, and Harry remembered Gil. "I gotta go find my Gil," he said. "Go," replied Shane. Harry entered the ship and ran through the halls. "Gil!" he shouted. "In here," Gil replied in the distance. Harry entered the office and saw Gil chained up, roughed up, and naked. "Oh babe, what happened?" he said, looking worried. "He... He used me as his sex toy," stated Gil. "Don't worry, babe. We'll stop him. You and me together, no matter what," said Harry. "Where's the key?" "In the top right drawer," replied Gil. He got the key and unlocked his boyfriend. The two kissed and hugged before Harry helped Gil get dressed and headed out the door. Gil winced in pain as he took a few steps out the door. Harry noticed and started to carry him bridal style.

Outside, Draglide flew, followed by Tatsurion who decided to join them. "Tatsurion, can you help Darcy get to Almighty Colossus?" asked Drake. "Sure," replied Tatsurion. Darcy got on the creature and flew to the Nature Monarch while Drake and the others flew to King Infernus. "Infernus, I have your sword!" Raven shouted. "Give it to me," he said. "Wait. If I give you the sword, you will help us protect this world," she offered. "Deal," he replied. The Fire Monarch extended his hand, and Raven tossed the sword which upon contact, the sword become gigantic; big enough for the King. Darcy, how's it going?" Drake asked, talking into an image of Darcy created by Raven. "It's good. Colossus accepted the offer. He's helping us," stated Darcy. "Good. Now we need the other artifacts to stop Draco," shyly said Henry. "Can you summon Sasha, babe?" asked the dark shinned boy. "Sasha, Channeler of Light," said the shy boy. All that appeared was Sasha's lifeless body. "What's wrong with her?" asked Raven. "The Heart of Light functions as her actual heart. Without it, she can't live," said Henry. "Lucas, we need the Light artifact to revived Sasha," said Raven, now talking to an image of Lucas. "On it," he replied. "And while you're at it, get the rest," she said. Back on the ground, everyone were running towards Draco. "Trox, General of Destination," he said. Trox already started to attack them. Ra-vu, Rusalka, Mighty Shouter, Blackfeather, and Gilaflame started to attack the Darkness creature. "Everyone, you need to get the artifacts fast," said Paul. The gang confronted Draco and started to attack him. "Lost your weapons? Bad luck, huh," Dylan said. Seth and Sam started to glowed green and red. Seth takes out his rifle, locks and loads, and heaves it down on his opponent's head. He will then throw his rifle into the air and will proceed to pummel his opponent with his knife and wrist mounted guns. He then grabs the rifle as it falls from the sky, slings it over his shoulder, and shoots his opponent in the head. Sam uses his sickle to rip open a hole in reality, as crows come out to signal the coming of an even bigger chain coming from inside the rip. Draco is then pulled into a graveyard, where a gigantic version of Sam, now in a scarecrow form, drags the opponent with the chain, smashing and pounding them into the ground twice. The move eventually ends with Sam smashing the opponent downwards into a grave with their name engraved on the headstone, and entering back to reality. Draco kneeled on the ground, and the group rallied around him and took the artifacts. "Diana, we have the artifacts!" Gil shouted. "Good," she replied. Then, she felt a surged of energy. Vine-like streams of energy circled around her until it entered her. "What happened?" she asked. "You have magic," said Jack. "Magic? I wonder what I could do," she said. "Spirits of Nature, RISE!" A group of giant, plant-like creatures with a Venus flytrap type head came out of the ground. They attacked by extending their arms and wrapped them around Trox. "Now," Diana said. The others attacked Trox and vanished it. "OK, give those to Raven and the others," said Aurora. "Bolshack, carry me and Jack," said Seth. The dragon grabbed the two and flew to Draglide. "Hey, we got the Heart," said Seth, as they reunited with the others. Henry took the Heart, opened Sasha's chest and placed it in. Soon, Sasha woke up. "Where am I," she asked. "It's a long story. We'll tell you later," replied Drake. "W-We need your help," said Henry, shyly. "We need to restore the Veil and send the Monarchs back," said Seth. "I'll talk to Eternal Haven and convince her to return home," said the Angel Command. She flew away, and the group, along with Darcy and Tatsurion, flew to the rest and gave the cloak to Paul and the Helm to Aurora which the two gave to the Water and Darkness Monarch. "Eternal Haven agreed to your terms," said Sasha as she returned. "Good," said Lucas. Then, Aqua Seneschal attacked them with his arms that had been formed into lances. They dodged the attack, and soon, Selina glowed purple. She jumps on her motorcycle and grabs Seneschal's feet using her whip and drags him onto the road, then jumps and crashes her motorcycle right on top of the creature. The creature stumbled back and wanted to attack again, but King Tritonus commanded him to stop. Then, Selina extends herself and her claws forward, swiping Seneschal and vanish it. "Now, we need to restore the Veil," said Diana. Everyone lined up, extended their arms in front and channeled their mana towards the rift. It was restoring and a yellow energy dome was being formed and expanding. "We have to leave. NOW!" Aurora shouted. "If we stay here, we will end up in the creature realm." Everyone ran towards Tatsurion and Kolus, Soulshine Enforcer, summoned by Lucas, and flew away. "Jack, we need a spell to protect the people so they won't end up in the creature realm," said Sheena. " Enérgeia tis Mitéras Gis, prostatéfste tous anthrópous sas kai ton eaftó sas apó tin enérgeia tou Pédilou," he said. Forest green energy engulfed the entire Earth and the effects of the energy didn't happen. Some of the gang looked down and saw their enemies disappear once they made contact with the energy including Draco. Somehow, Jack lost his footing and fell off of Tatsurion, plummeting towards the ground. "Jack!" everyone shouted. Jack fell into the energy and vanish. "Jack," whispered Seth, tears forming. He was devastated and felt that he had nothing left to live for because Jack was always by his side. Soon, the energy dissipated, and all the creatures including the Monarchs except the Tatsurion and Kolus vanished. Everything was back to normal, except for losing their best friend. "Don't worry, Seth. We'll get him back," comforted Raven. They all returned to the temple and continued with their lives with grief.

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