Chapter 12: Party Of The Dead

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Everyone were at school outside, having time off from their classes before their fifth period starts. "Hey guys, we're all invited to a party," said Sam. "Really?" asked Raven. "Yep," replied Sam. "Matthew is throwing it." "Wait, is the same Matthew who was hitting on Jack?" asked Seth, getting angry. "Ohh.... Yeah," replied Sam. "Damn," cursed Seth, holding Jack close. "Come on Puddin, can we go?" begged Jack, sensually touching Seth. Seth looked at the other with a glare. "Please. I know how to get Matthew to leave me alone," said Jack. He looked into the other's eyes with a pleading look. "OK, fine," sighed Seth. "OK so the party starts at 9:00," said Sam. Then, Dylan got a message from Diana. "Ugh, guys we have to go to the temple to search for the shield," he said. "What!?" asked Darcy. "It's not them, just us five," said Dylan. He motioned to Drake, Henry, Sonya, and Darcy. "Ugh, fine," said Darcy. They got up and left. Then, Matthew walked by. "Hey Jack, are you coming to my party?" he asked, getting too close to Jack for Seth's liking. "Yeah," responded Jack. He looked back at Seth who had angry expression. "Hey, you have to go," said Jack, looking back at Matthew. "Why?" he asked. All Jack did was get up and kissed Matthew. "Go now," said Jack. "O-OK," said Matthew before he left. Jack turned to face Seth who was angry. He sat next to him and snuggled. Seth relaxed a little, but was still angry. Jack noticed and starting kissing and nibbling Seth's neck. He couldn't help but moaned from the sensation. "Is it weird that I'm turned on by this?" asked Dinah. Jack heard and stopped. "Puddin, my heart still belongs to you. I still love you," he said. The bell rang, and everyone went to class.

It was 9:10. Dylan drove the group to the party. "Thanks Dylan," said Harry. Dylan drove off and everyone walked to the party. Music was blaring, everyone were talking and dancing while some were drunk. "Well, let's party," said Gil. Everyone spit up to have fun. Jack, Mateo and the girls were dancing to the music, Sam and Seth, Gil, and Harry were swimming in the pool. At the dance floor, Jack stumbled and fell on Matthew. "Hey, if you want me, you don't have to fall on me," he said. Jack got up and helped Matthew up. "I'm sorry," said Jack as he went back to dancing. It was 1:28 in the morning, and everyone were still having fun. Jack was leaning against a wall, a little intoxicated. Matthew walked up to him. "Hey," he said, low and sexual. "Hey," said Jack. Matthew then kissed Jack, rough and animalistic. He pushed his tongue into his mouth and got a moan put of Jack. Matthew moved to his neck and started kissing and nibbling it. Jack loved the feeling, moaning and lifted his leg against Matthew's waist. Jack opened his eyes to see Seth. He was infuriated. "Seth," exclaimed Jack. Matthew pulled away and turned. "Get your hands off him!" shouted Seth. "What are you gonna do about it?" mocked Matthew. Seth walked up and punched him in the jaw, causing Matthew to stumble back. Seth grabbed Jack's arm and forcefully pulled towards him. "You don't get to claim him. He likes me, and he loved what I was doing," said Matthew. "I don't like you! I belong to Seth, my heart belongs to Seth!" shouted Jack. "OK, fine! Go to hell, Seth," said Matthew walking away. Jack snuggled into Seth's chest, and he wrapped around his arms around the other. Soon, they heard screams. The two ran and met up with the others. "What's going on?" asked Seth. "A creature is here," said Raven. Everyone was in full blown panic. "OK, you guys go help everyone get out of here," said Selina. The boys and girls except Mateo and Liza left to rally everyone out the door. "So where is it?" asked Selina, pulling out her gauntlet. Then, a creature came out, phasing through a wall. The creature had a beak-like skull with lavender eyes and two horns from the sides that point downward. It had an indigo pirate hat, a purple tinted indigo ripped clothing with two wing-like arms and a golden claw at the end, its spine and reddish brown ribs showing, two skeleton arms with a sword in its hand. "There it is," said Liza. "Nimbus Scout!" shouted Selina. A metallic creature came out. It had a gray upper head with three orange eyes and a dark gray lower head with sharp teeth showing which was on an elongated head that comes to a point, yellow neck, a gray body with orange orbs on its chest with a arched back with a yellow underside and it came to a point, long gray arms with blue orbs on the upper arms near the shoulders, and disk-like hands with three red claws under each hand. "Electrify that ghost," said Selina. Electricity build up in its hand and smacked the ghost. The ghost slashed its sword at Nimbus. Then Nimbus blocked and attacked the creature. Then, another creature came. It had dull purple face with beady blue eyes, skeleton antennas above the eyes, a lavender mouth with fangs showing. Its head and body was dull lavender with noticeable rib lines and a pot belly. Instead of legs, it had a tail. The hands were skeletonal and tendrils on the back of its shoulders. Then, Aria came. "Hey," she said. "Aria, what you doing here?" asked Mateo. "I'm here for that Dream Pirate," she said. "Gorgeon, scramble their brains," said Aria. The antennas waved back and forth sending high pitch noises. The group covered their ears and the creatures got disoriented. Then, Gorgeon spit on Dream Pirate with an immobilizing substance. The pirate got stuck and cannot move. Then, Gorgeon ate Dream Pirate whole. "Well, that's gross," said Mateo. "Well, I better go now," said Aria. "Badlands Lizard!" shouted Mateo. A dull red, long lizard came out. It had so many legs. It had armor on its head and its horns. It had brownish gray, feather-like parts on the sides of its head and armor on its back. The lizard lunged at Gorgeon, but it whipped its tail at it. "Ugh, this is getting so fucking annoying," said Aria. Then, she vanished with the creature. "She's gone," said Liza. Selina and Mateo returned their creatures back to their realms. "Can go get Jack?" asked Selina. Mateo ran and got Jack. "Wow, this is a mess. We can't let people see this," said Jack. " Epistrépste ta pánta stin archikí tous katástasi." Everything was back to normal. "Harry and Sheena are erasing everyone's memories about the creature," he said. The others walked in. "Everyone left because it's almost morning," said Gil. "OK so, let's go," said Raven. They walked out, and Jack bumped into Matthew. Jack didn't talked to him, just glared at him. Jack caught up to the others.

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