Chapter 5: The Order Of The Kaijudo Duel Masters

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The next day Jack and the others were in the living room waiting for Dylan and his friends to pick them up. "I wonder how they can summon creatures," said Sam. "Yeah, I never seen them," said Jack. "What the fuck was that creature with more than one face?" asked Mateo. "Maybe it's like a Frankenstein creature," said Seth. "Well, I've heard of a Chimera," stated Dinah. "Oh yeah, the chimera is a mythical creature with different body parts of many creatures," said Jack. "Hey guys, Dylan's here," said Selina. They got up and headed out the door. They saw that Dylan owned a truck. "Hey guys, you have to sit in the back," said Sonya. The group saw Gil and the others in the back and got in with them. "Hang on guys, it's a long way to our destination," said Darcy, with a bored face. Soon, they started move. The wind was blowing in their faces. "Oh, happy birthday, Gil," said Jack. "Thanks," replied Gil. "I didn't know it was your birthday," said Dinah. "Yeah well, it's only been a few days since we met," said Gil. "It's OK if you didn't get me anything. All I need is Harry." Gil pecked Harry's lips. "Yeah, last night, me and Gil had sex," said Harry. "It was my present for him. I pounded his ass so hard." "TMI, Harry, TMI," said Raven. "Sorry. Got carried away," said Harry. "Aw, Gil's blushing," said Jack. "Aw," said Raven and Dinah. "Stop it," said Gil, blushing even more. He buried his face in Harry's chest. "Ugh, seriously stop with the lovey dove stuff," said Sheena, disgust in her face. "Why?" asked Harry. "It's nothing," said Sheena. The entire ride was awkwardly silent. In a few minutes, they drove all the way to Brownsville. The drove up to a dojo, and everyone got off. "So, this is it?" asked Gil. "Yep, follow us," said Dylan. They walked in the dojo and walked to the back way. "Is it clear?" asked Dylan. "Yep," said Sonya. Dylan pulled a lever and a secret door opened. "Come with us, and what you're about to see, don't tell anyone. Got that?" asked Darcy. Most of them nodded and walked in. "Welcome to the Kaiju temple," said Sonya. Everyone was in awe; an underground temple under an ordinary dojo. Once they reached the main corridor, they were greeted by five adults. "What are they doing here," asked one of the males. "They claim they want to help us to defeat Draco," said Dylan. "Draco?" asked Sheena. "The guy who was with Freddie," said Drake. "You didn't erasing their memories?" asked the second man. "Henry wanted to spare them and teach them our ways," said Dylan. "If Henry wants to spare them, maybe we should too," said one of the females. "OK fine, we will see if they are capable of our practice," said the male. "Well, let us introduce our mentors," said Sonya. "This is Lucas," she said. Lucas had black hair with a shave line on his left, white button down shirt with rolled up sleeves, blue jeans, and black shoes. "This is Aurora," said Henry, shyly. Aurora has long wavy pale blond hair and blue eyes. She wears a blue halter dress that ends at her thighs decorated with blue crystals, blue gloves and a pair of fur-lined boots. Over that, she wears a white and blue fur-lined cloak that reaches to the floor with her hood up. "This is Paul," said Darcy. Paul had black, wavy, chin length hair that partially covers his right eye. He wore a black tank top with a black leather vest, black fingerless gloves, tight skinny jeans, and dark gray shoes. "This is Shane," said Drake. Shane had black hair with dark green and red streaks, a red zipped up jacket, jeans and black shoes. "And this is Diana," said Dylan. Diana has a type of reddish pink hair color. She also has a blue, green, and purple crown on her head. She has two leaf-like ties tied to her bangs, and she has forest green eyes and light pink makeup. She wears a necklace that is blue and purple, and her sleeveless tube top and skirt is purple and green with a light green fabric holding it up and a blue half circle that it's attached to. On her arms are light peach and blue arm warmers. "We are the Order of the Kaijudo Duel Masters," said Aurora. "So you want to help us?" asked Shane. "Yes," answered Jack. "Well, then we have to teach you how to do katas, how to summon creatures and do spells," said Paul. "Diana will teach you," said Dylan. He had an arm around her waist. "You do know we're not supposed to date. I'm your mentor and you my student. It's frowned upon," said Diana, pushing Dylan's arm away. "First, they need gauntlets," said Aurora. "I'll take them to Toji and Parker," said Drake. He motioned them to follow him, and entered a forge. "Toji, we need practice gauntlets," said Drake. "Well, I already made five in case we get people to join," said Toji. Toji had a brown beard and was bald. He wore a dark green shirt with a brown sleeveless vest, green pants, a fingerless gauntlet on his left hand, a gray shoe on his right foot and a peg leg on his left leg. "OK well, here," said Drake, giving Jack, Seth, Sheena, Gil, and Raven the gauntlets. "Who's this?" asked Parker. Parker had brown hair, wore a dark green T-shirt with a black leather sleeveless vest, black leather fingerless gloves, jeans, and black shoes. "I'm Sheena," she said, coldly. "Well, I guess you have to wait for six more gauntlets to be finished," said Drake. "You five, come with me, and the rest of you, you can explore the temple but don't touch anything." "I'll accompany them," said Parker. The five followed Drake while the others walked around.

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