Think about it! Dark and Anti were arguing. Youtubers are starting to show up out of the blue with dark sonas. What if this is like a CIVIL WAR People!
Actual battle between Dark and Anti.
-Ethan is getting infected by this tweet;
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And then quickly deleted. It seems like Ethan is being pulled by the strings of both Anti and Dark. Unable to choose a side.
Ethan doesn't really have a dark sona. But probably since he doesnt let it show, it could be so bundled up that it can be powerful.
No glitches (words or picture), meaning it isn't yet Anti taking over. But a bit mysterious and darker, so possibly he is on Dark's side of this war. But im not sure because their is no 3D effect. So who is to say which side Ethan is on yet.
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-If Felix joins in (which I hope soon) He can be on Anti's.
-But it also seems that, the AU are combining. Meaning war is coming.
Dark, Wilford, Googleplier, and so many others have already escaped alternate universes. Heck even the King of the Squirrels!
But people are already confirming the possibility of Anti and Dr.Sneeplestien as in the same universe.
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-Also with Amy! Amy's seems to be kinda 3D effect. Of course DarkPeebles would join with Dark!
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But to be fair- I just began this theory. I will have to sit back and wait to aee what happens next.
This is a virus. It is taking over this universe! The AU are coming true to this Universe.
If this happens to be true.
What side will you be on...
- - -
More coming soon
**I am also still working on this. It is just opening it up for you guys**