Meaningless Divergence

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Chapter 1


I wake up in a large grey colored room, I try to to move but I am strapped to the bed. I look to my left and there is nothing but some tables with what looks like serums resting on them, then I look to my right and see Uriah he is awake but doesn't seem to notice me. I stare in shock for a while knowing he is supposed to be in a comma, and by now dead.I finally muster up to say something, and all that comes out is, "Uriah?" I say, my voice sounds weak. He looks at me and smiles "Finally someone to talk to." He says sounding much stronger than he looks."We're are we?"I say with more confidence."I would like to know that myself." He looks at me for a while the says "All I know is that everyone thinks we're dead....." I am in shock, then I realize I got shot I should be dead, why am I here?Then another though hits me and feels like a punch in the gut. Tobias thinks I'm dead. I can feel tears coming but I blink to keep them back. "How long have we been here?" I find myself asking without even processing the question myself. Uriah looks at me then says "I have no idea exactly, but I have been awake for at least a week." I move my head to the center of my pillow and close my eyes, and I see Tobias and his deep blue eyes and I wish they were real so I could get lost in them.
Me and Uriah sit there in silence for what feels like hours, but there is no way to know there is not a clock in the room that I can see. I hear a click and the door in the far left corner of the room swings open, four people walk in and I recognize one among them, it's David. Anger bursts inside me he should of had his memory wiped when I released the serum, but it didn't. "Oh good your both awake that will make things easier." He says in an unfeeling voice. " easier for what?" I feel myself blurt out.He smiles and says "You being away makes my job easier because it means we can begin the simulation tests." Why would he test it on me I am immune to every serum, then it hits me that's why he is testing on me he wants to make the serums stronger. I fell my heartbeat faster as I remember when Jeannine did something very similar to me. David gestures to me and one of the people in his group walk up to me with a needle and inverts it into my neck.
I see Tobias and Christina crying , then I see Peter and he is laughing at them. I stand there not knowing how to take to this situation, they disappear and I am in the exam room the one I was in the day before choosing day and I am in abnegation grey, Tori walks in and said I tested for Euridite. "No!" I say " I tested Divergent!I know I did!" Tori looks at me blankly and I stare at my reflection in the mirror. "This isn't real." I say "And Divergent doesn't matter anymore."
I wake up back in my bead the room now empty except for my and Uriah, he is asleep. All I can think is Tobias thinks I am dead, he feels I am dead.How long have I been here? What if he has moved on from me? I ask myself a thousand more questions and drift off to sleep.

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