Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I start to cry, not because of sadness or joy but because of pain, it's been a year and half since I woke up from my comma. And every day more pain, and wishing Tobias would find me, now here he is cradling me in his arms and all I can do is think about the pain.

"It hurts." I blurt out "I know." He says pulling me closer to him, and shriek because of the pain.
"No, it really hurts." My voice sounding scratchy "oh. I'm so sorry Tris, I didn't mean to hurt you." He says sound worried, I look up an smile " don't be. Your not the one who hurt me." His face suddenly fills with anger "I won't let them hurt you again." He says almost sounding hurt himself. I stare into his deep blue eyes and mutter "You have to." He just shakes his head and begins to cry, I have only seen him cry once before, when I was being lead to my death at Euridite. I don't say anything I just hug him.

I fall asleep in his arms and he must of carried me into bed because that's were I woke up. I feel his arms tight around my waist and it feels like he"ll never let me go again. He leans up and kisses me gently on the lips "Good Morning sleeping beauty." I laugh and say "Good morning Prince Charming." We both laugh. It feels good to laugh, Uriah has tried to make me laugh a couple of times but never really succeeded. My alarm goes off and I signal Tobias to hide he gets the point and crawls under the bed. "I won't let them take you." He whispers "you have to Tobias or Uriah will die." I say in return.

My normal escort walks in and says "Are you ready Miss Prior?"
"As much as always." I saw walking out the door."I never really asked your name."
"Tim." He says plainly then goes on to say "David has something to show you today Miss Prior."
The last time Tim said that they showed me how the tortured Uriah when I defied them, a shiver makes its way down my spine.
I turn and see David with an evil smile as he gestures to some windows and I cannot believe what I see, it's not only Uriah in his cell but in the cells beside him are, Al, Marleen, and Will. My heart drops, their deaths were faked to....
but how did they fake Will's? I shot him, I can see how they faked the other but how did they fake his?

"Just an extra precaution." David says "Because touturing you doesn't seem to be enough, so we remember your Abnegation side." It scares me how much that side betrays me... he wants to know how I can tell its fake, he going to do another simulation then make me watch my friends get beaten until I give them an answer.

"Your Evil!" I shout "Not so much evil as curious Miss." He says with a smile spreading from ear to ear.
"This kind of curiosity is evil!" I find myself shouting again.
He frowns and drags me into the experiment room.

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