Chaper 6

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Chapter Six


After they drag Tris out of her apartment I almost decide to grab her and run, but then I remember what she said about Uriah so I just sneak inside her house before the odor closes.I look around and there are books for her to read and drawings everywhere. I never knew how great an artist she is before now, there were pictures of flowers and animals but a surplus of the picture consist of my face, I smile when I notice this. I spend time looking through picture when I hear the lock turn and I run into a back room. I watch as they throw Tris into the living room, she is bleeding looks like they beat her, anger surges through me and I am about to go pick her up when the door opens again I see the man to brought Tris back shove Uriah into the room so I stay put. " Tris what did they do to you this time?" He says, she groans as he pulls her up to the couch and come over my way and I do not move I let him see me. He registers shock for a moment then he shake his head and walks into the bathroom getting wash cloths alcohol swatches gauss and other first aid items. He grabs a second washcloth and runs it under water " she told me you were here." He said "didn't expect you to sneak into her apartment for another couple of days." He walks over to tris and tends to her wounds and I follow him.
As I grab a washcloth I say "well you know me act first think later, there is also the fact that I thought the love of my life was dead for two years only to find out she was alive the whole time." I carefully wrap gauss around her wrist. "Yeah there's that." He says "but she was in a comma for half of it." She didn't tell me that but then I remember that I forgot to finish asking her questions.

After a while Uriah leave and Tris is on the couch unconscious she probably doesn't even know I'm here yet. She starts to move and I hand her some water "thanks Uri......Tobais?" She says I smile and say "in the flesh." She smiles and laughs and eventually makes her way up to hug me." Why didn't you tell me you were in comma." I say she laughs as much as the pain wold allow her to the says "you didn't ask." I pull her closer and hold her like I'll never let go. "What do they do to you?"I ask, she sighs and pulls away from my grasp and looks me in the eyes " they want to know why I can resist every serum, so when I do simulations and don't tell them how I know it's not real they do well.......this." I shake at the thought." They let Uriah come in to tend to my wounds so I will be healed for the next experiment." I pull her close and kiss her head and smooth down her hair.

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