Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I wake up with Tris in my arms, and we are still moving so that means the robot truck driver thingy is still working.

I look down at her, she is so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps. I notice her family is watching me as I stare at their daughter, I don't mind all that much they really don't know me so I have to show them I love her and would never hurt her and if them watching me does that then I will be fine.

I kiss her forehead and her eyes flutter open, I smile. "Morning beautiful." I say

"Morning handsome, how long were your staring at me?" She asks

"A while."


"Because your beautiful, and I allow myself the pleasure of looking at beautiful things." I say and then she blushes

I don't know why she doesn't see herself as beautiful, but she does so I just get to remind her all that more often.

I lean down and kiss her and she deepens it. After a minute or two someone clears their throat to get our attention.

It was Caleb, of corse. "You know we are all in the same car." He says

"I am aware of that." I say "I didn't know there were rules agenst kissing your girlfriend, I mean half of us here are couples so you might have to put up a fight for that rule." I say and Tris laughs

I hug her then I go over to get some breakfast bars and water bottles for me and Tris.

I walk back over and I see her dad and her brother having a discussion with Tris and she does not look happy.

I wonder if they took in anything I told them at the hospital. I bet not their both Erudite know it all's and they always have to be right.

I sit down next to Tris and her brother and father shoot me a death glare as they walk away.

I hand Tris her food.

"Thanks." She says

"No problem, hey what was that all about?" I ask

"Basically they told me to break up with you." She says then laughs "don't worry I'm not gonna listen to them."

I nod and kiss her forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She says

"I love you three"

"I love you four." She laughs

"I love you six"

And she kisses me, of corse I kiss back. We don't want to be interrupted again so we stop after a minute.

We eat in silence, not an awkward silence, a comforting one.

I start to think about what it may be like wherever we are going. I just hope Tris will be safe and we can live our lives together.

Tris places her head on my shoulder and I lean over and kiss her hair.

"I will never leave you Tobias, I promise." She whispers

"And I will never leave you, I promise."I whisper back


"Okay." I say and we kiss.

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