Chaper 9

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Chapter Nine


Tobias has been gone for a week now, and I start thinking about how Christina thought he was crazy, so at this point they are either thinking that he is completely delusional or Tobias remembered what I said about them wanting to keep me dead. I really hope it's the second one cause if it's not then I am on my own until Tobias can escape them...
I really hope he diet think he was dreaming or something, because I won't survive here much longer, I am to weak.

I have just been tested on, I do exactly as they say so they won't hurt my friends, but they still beat me for fun, I get back to my apartment a bloody mess Tim basically tosses me onto the ground and slams the door.

"Oh my god Tris" Uriah says "I thought you said that you were doing what they asked now."he continues "not that I want you to do that, but why did they beat you?."
"For fun." I can barley mumble searing pain surges through my body.
"Who would do that?" He says extremely angry
"Jerks." I say I sit on the couch. My eyes are still closed I don't want to see what I look like. If it's anything like how I feel then I look pretty horrible.

I hear the door open than close
"Thanks Tim" Uriah says. Why would he thank Tim? He probably just brought some medical supply's I thought.
"I have a surprise for you." Uriah says "can you open your eyes?" He asks as he wraps a bandage on my arm. I sigh
"Do I have to?" I whimper "I really don't want to see what a bloody beat up mess I am right now."

"Well what would you do if your boyfriend was here?" He asks, at first I contemplate opening my eyes but then I remember he has been making cracks like that all week so instead of opening my eyes I just respond the the question.
"I would probably run and take a shower if it didn't hurt to you know breath." I say

"Well then I suggest you don't open your eyes then." He says sounding a bit giddy
I lift my head up and look at him
"I opened my eyes you happy?" He just smiles
"I am." A familiar voice says

My eyes widen "Tobias?" I say, he comes out from the hallway "in the flesh" he says I run up to him ignoring the pain, and press his lips to mine. He wraps his arms around my waste and my hands hang from his neck playing with his hair a little.

"Can you two make out later, when I'm not here" a girlish voice says. I immediately pull away from Tobias and run to hug Christina. "Don't even pretend like your not here Zeke." I say then he walks out the hallway and gives me a quick hug. Then walks over and Embraces his brother and they both start crying. "Softies" Christina says. Zeke looks at her then says "your crying to." He says plainly she blushes I can tell she didn't realized she was crying, apparently she wasn't the only one who didn't know she was crying because Tobias comes up to me and brushes a tear off my cheek, I smile at him he leans down and kisses my forehead.

"Did you tell them?" I ask he just looks at me and rubs his neck "well" he starts "you could've been under simulation so I didn't want to get their hopes up just to be disappointed. I want to be mad at him but he has a point. "She wasn't under simulation."Uriah says "I saw them to, they haven't tested on me once so it's pretty safe to tell them." Tobias smiles when he sees Christina's and Zekes faces, " you guys better tell us what's going on." Christina says plainly
"Tris the honor is all yours." Says Tobias

"Were do it start?" I say

"The beginning preferably." Zeke chimes in

"The beginning is overrated." I say "I'll just tell you the good stuff."

Christina smiles when I say that, I laugh a little....

"Our friends are alive." I say "all of them, even Will." I say looking straight at Christina
Her eyes widen automatically and she starts crying
"Don't you play with me!" She says
"I'm not, I promise." I reassure her, the tears come down faster and she smiles
"That's why Tobias had to bring you here, we need to find a way to get them all out or someone will end up dead." I say , Christina groans "more plan making for us then." She says with a bit of irritation in her voice, that reminds me "how did you guys get in here without them noticing?" I ask "our friend Tim didn't like it when he found out that they were torturing you for fun, I'm sure if he got them in here he can help us escape to." Uriah says. I stand there in shock, the guy who walks me to my doom every morning helped me? I don't have time to think about it before Tobias picks me up and hugs me tight, both of us forgetting about my wounds, it hurts but I don't care. "I will get you out of here, I'll never let you go again.I love you." He whispers into my ear "I love you to." I whisper back.

We sit on the couch side by side and start coming up with plans when we finally come up with one that may just work. There are no cameras in the dormitory were me Uriah and the others are kept because they are thought to be apartments.there are no camera until we get into the actual compound were the labratorys and other things are. And we are allowed to roam the bearu after diner is brought to us, Tim says he has some friends that could get us through security and the front gates, the only thing we have to do is avoid David.

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