Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


The man who greeted us leads us to a place that looks like the Hub, apparently the faction leaders called an emergency meeting due to our presence.

We sit there in the middle of the room and we tell them how technically we are all full members of a faction. And eventually they make the announcement that we can stay.

They have us pick our jobs on the spot, which I was not expecting. They say we can have any job we want due to our acts of bravery while we were at the bearu.

"Initiate Trainer and Tattoo artist." I say, apparently the only thing that has changed is that there are no Factionless, and they expanded the dauntless compound so older dauntless can live on the ground floor instead of running through the pit.

"Initiate Trainer and Control room."Tobias says
I smirk, exactly what he had before.
The others pick their jobs, and Al ended up transferring to Amity. It didn't surprise me all that much.
Caleb stayed in Erudite, and Cara and Matthew followed him.
The rest of us stayed in dauntless.
They give us keys to our apartments. Me and Tobias are sharing one, so Are Chris and Will. And Uriah and Marlene are to....same with Zeke and Shaunna.
We really need to find Lynn a boyfriend....
My parents Chose to go back to Abnegation. This made me a little sad but I expected it.
We were aloud to call family and friends to come down here with us. So we call Zeke and Uriah's mom, Tori and Gorge, Lynn and Shaunnas Parents, Marlene's Dad, and Christina's Mom.
Apparently Wills parents were stabbed durning the war and not shot, so they are actually dead.
The people from this city load up a truck and head to Chicago to go pick up our family members.

Me and Tobias reach the apartment we were given, and we plop down on the bed.
He looks at me and smiles. "A new start." He says and I grin

"I hope it goes well this time." I say and then he kisses me lovingly. I kiss him back.
His hands around my waist and my hands around his neck and up in his hair.
We fit perfectly together, we always have.
I pull away after a few minutes to catch my breath

"I love you Tobias." I say

"I love you to." He says and puts his head down onto my shoulder, my hair draping over his face.he pulls me closer and I rest my head on his shoulder.

His breathing soon evens out and he falls asleep.
I listen to the steady beat of his heart and fall into a dreamless sleep.


Sorry it's short, having a bit of writers block. Any suggestions would help.


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