Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight


I hear Tris screaming and I flinch, I want to go after her, I want to save her but I can't. She is been back there for a while, longer than she was last time. Just when I am about to lose my paitients I hear the lock turn and I run to hide, this time the man to brings and takes Tris has her over his shoulder and Uriah next to him. "Just put her on the couch." Uriah says, than the man throws her on the couch and she moans "Gently!"Uriah screams "she's Ingured you idoit!" the man just walks out the door and locks it behind him. "Common out four I'll need your help." he says. I step out and look at Tris face, its pale and almost lifless, I go into the bathroom and get medical supplies it was exsactly were Uriah said it would be.

Me and Uriah spend the next half an hour tending to her wounds. when we finish we sit and talk until she wakes up, mostly about Zeke I can tell he misses his brother. I see Tris move a little and go sit beside her.

"their alive." she mumbles. Im confused who else is alive?"who is?" I say in response, she opens her eyes and looks at me and Uriah then says "everyone is. Al, Will, Marleen, and Lynn." Everyone we thought we lost in the stupid war is alive? "Mar? Shes Alive? And shes here?" Uriah blurts out "were!?" Tris smiles like she expected that response, "In the cell next to yours, they said they are using my selflessness aggenst me they threantend them.." She says as her smile fades

Why does it have to be her? My Tris goes through this everyday because she as some kind of super gene. How is that fair? I feel tears behind my eyes, how will I get all of them out? I thought that I would just grab her and Urah and go when it was just the three of us, but now all our friends are alive and I have to find a way to save them to.

"I'll go get Zeke and Christina" I say "they can help me find a way to get all of you out." Tris looks deep into y eyes and says "No, they could capture you to." I sit down next to her and hold her hand. "I thought you were dead but your alive, and so are our friends this is the only way we have a cchanc to save them and get out of here, I'll leave in the morning." I say trying to keep strength in my voice. she just nods and hugs me.

That night I stay close to Tris at all times, I dont want to leave her but I have to. when my alarm beeps I wake tris up "Is it time for you to go already?" she asks in a tired voice, I Nodd the Kiss he Gently on the lips. "I will be back. I promise." she smiles "You better be." she says I smile then head out the door, I spend the time it takes to get there to figure out how I going to tell Christina Will is alive and how I am going to tell Zeke that Uriah is alive, Its a couple hour trip back into the city so I eventully fall asleep without meaning to, and I dream of my sweet Tris.

I wake up and we are near the gates, I prepare myself to jump off probably because I'm do used to jumping on and off the trains that run through Chicago. Just I am about to jump the car jerks to a stop throwing me to the back of the truck, I mumble under my breath and hop off the car and start walking to the dauntless compound were I know I will find Zeke and Christina, they are always there, they say they fell in love with the place but I know Christina stays there for the same reason I don't, it reminds her of the memory's of Tris.Now that I'm back in the city I have a hard time believing the events of the past week. How am I going to tell them that everyone we ever lost is alive, when the only two I have seen with my eyes are Tris and Uriah? That's all Ill tell them, Christina will come because Tris is her best friend and Zeke will come because of the the brother he thought he lost.
I am standing beside the train tracks waiting for the train, not much has changed around here since the war, people live wherever they want there have been meeting about weather or not to reinstall the factions under new terms but I'm not so sure that's a good idea.
I hear the roar of the train and I jump on, it's a twenty minute ride to dauntless so I take that time to figure out how to tell them that Tris and Uriah are alive, I cannot get Christina's hopes up with will, Tris could have been under simulation for all I know.
The train slows and I jump out and start walking towards the entrance to dauntless.

When I get inside I find Christina and to my luck she is with Zeke and Shaunna
"FOUR!" Christina shouts "I am so glad your here, I had almost started to believe you killed yourself, you were gone for two months." I laugh " I was looking for someone."
I say with a smile, Christina stands in awe I have no idea why but being the loud mouth that she is I'm sure she'll tell me. "Did you just laugh?" She asks I knew she would tell me. "Wait did you find who you were looking for?" She continues "who would you be looking for there I thought you were just picking up Tris's stuff." She looks confused, and she should be I don't know anyone at the Bearu "did you kill David?" She whispers so only I can hear her, I shake my head and she sighs almost with regret. " I need to talk to you guys in private and Shaunna can come if she must." I say and Shaunna almost look offended " meet me at my old apartment." I say, they all nod and I walk off to my apartment.
When I get there I am flooded with memory's it's the exact same as it was when I left it the morning the war started. I set my bag on my bed and change into blue jeans and a black tee. Within the next fifteen minutes or so Christina, Zeke, and Shaunna are here after they walk in I lock the door, they all look at me with confusion. I walk over to face them and before I can think I just blurt it out "Tris and Uriah are alive." They all look at me like I'm crazy "why else would I spend two months at the place were the love of my life died, when I would be seeing the man who killed her everyday and than not kill him?" I try to reassure them. "He's gotta point" Shaunna pipes up, suddenly I'm glad she came.
"How?" Zeke and Christina say in union
"Fake body's fake deaths." I respond
I see Christina and Zekes faces turn red with anger , rather with me cause they think I'm joking or with the fact they've been alive this whole time.
"Who?" Shaunna says breaking the silence
I sigh I had a feeling that question would be next
"David." I say almost to quickly and clench my fists
" he fakes his memory loss and tests on tris, he uses Uriah to keep her there." I say looking into Zeke's eyes he mumbles under his breath, their mad not a reaction I was expecting but a reasonable one
"And you didn't kill him because?" Christina says in almost a shout
" if I killed him with everyone thinking his memory was wiped they would arrest me." I say, but I'm not sure that's the reason I haven't killed him yet it was just the first reason to come to mind.
" well why are we just standing here?" Christina says
"If we all show up at once David will figure out we know their alive and could hurt them, or us." I say. She just sighs and plops herself down on my bead deep in thought.
"Let's starts making a plan then." Zeke says with confidence.
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Sorry it took me a while to update, I hope you like the chapter

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