Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


I wake up to my beautiful Tris, she was awake already.
"We're going somewhere today." I say
"We are?" She asks
"Yes and you'll hate it but you have to come anyway.." I say with a girn
Because I I know it's true, were going to the Hub were some 'people' demanded to see me cause I have disappeared lately
And these 'people' might as well be told about tris being alive.
"I'll go but only to be with you." She says plainly
I nod and we get dressed.
Christina took her shopping yesterday so I'm curious to see what she will wear.

She walks out of the bathroom and I can't help but stare, she is stunning.

She has on a dark purple tank top that shows her tattoos and her curves, she wears a back vest over it and has on black skinny jeans with combat boots, her hair is down and slightly curled, she wears just a little bit of make up on her eyes that makes them pop.

"What?" She asks, I realized I was staring at her a little longer than I should have, but I'm not embarrassed
"Nothing." I say "your beauty just caught me off guard." I go up and kiss her cheek as she laughs a little at what I said.
I lace our fingers together and we head out the door.

We jump off the train and start walking to the hub. And when we get there I can see exactly were they are.
"Stand behind me so they don't see you." I say "I want to surprise them."
She just nods and does just so.

I walk up to Evelyn and Caleb
They say hi
"Hello guys, there's someone I would like you to say hi to." I say as I pull tris from behind me

"You were right when you'd said I'd hate it." Tris says

"Well I knew you and Evelyn never got along I just didn't want to go anywhere without you." Is say as I smile

"Okay I forgive you." She says mockingly

Evelyn and Caleb just stand there in complete shock.
"T-t-tris." Caleb mumbles

"In the flesh." She says "did you really think it was that easy to get rid of me?"

He just runs up and hugs her.

She makes and oomph sound on Impact she awkwardly pats his back "nice to see you to."
He pulls away from the hug with tears running down his eyes "thanks for getting my shirt wet." She says and I laugh a little at her remark, but Evelyn just stares at her in disgust I ignore it though Caleb looks ridiculous and I am not missing a moment of this.

"Y-your dead." He mumbles

"Well last time I checked I was alive but whatever you say." She says

I try so hard not to laugh, I know she's just messing with him.

"H-how" he stutters still crying

"David. He kinda kidnaped me and tested on me for about a year and a half, I was in a coma for the first year. But Tobias found me and David is behind bars so all is good." She says so calmly

"Oh and mine and Uriah's body's were fake, were both still kicking along with some other friends of ours we thought were dead." She remarks

He and Evelyn stare at her wide eyed for what seems like forever.

"Tobias is this why you were gone for so long?" Evelyn asks
I nod.

"What a foolish reason to make us worry." She remarks

I get mad and I can tell so does Caleb, honestly I think tris is completely right about her.

"Foolish?" I say "I lost the only person who ever loved me, and you didn't care one bit, but now I find out she's alive and all you do is insult her, you don't love me you just pretend to care when you want something... Common Tris."

I pull Tris over my shoulder and carry her to the train half the time she's screaming at me to put her down but I just laugh.
Caleb comes with us obviously feeling the same way I did about what Evelyn said.
I put Tris down and we all jump on the train.

"Sorry bout back there." I say "I was more taking you to see Caleb then her."

"It's okay, I probably would've exploded if you hadn't." She says

The rest of the ride is silent

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