When They Meet Your Parents

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Freddy Kruger

How is that the true question for Freddy. You couldn't just bring him in his burnt out killer form. Your parents will freak out and god knows what else. So you came up with a plan to make a disguise for him. Of course Freddy being Freddy he didn't want to at first. He argue with you like a teenage girl for a hour before putting on the disguise. When you agree to do something for him. So when you arrived your parents shocking Freddy acted nice and your parents like him.

Michael Myers

It took a lot of convincing him to take off his mask for a while. He was a nervous wreck and worried on how his face look. You keep telling him that he's handsome and shouldn't be worried. Yet he become a little bit more nervous of meeting your father. Who at first didn't like him till Michael show him (no killing) that he can protect you. Now your dad likes him.

Jason Voorhees

Both of you try to think of a way to show him to your parents but nothing would work. I mean he's a zombie and well skin is coming apart. So you didn't take him to meet your parents. For the simple face you can't and well don't want to give your parents a heart attack.

Norman Bates

Norman was already a nervous wreck before you can pull out the drive way to go to your parents house. You try to calm him down even a little bit. Yet the poor thing can't help himself. So when he meet your parents your mother thinks it's cute but your dad will he's doesn't think so.

Brahms Heelshire

Yeah Brahms is not leaving his house at all. Don't even try to do that and he will throw a fit like a child. Just don't he can't handle that yet.


When your parents find out about Chucky and well how he acts. They don't like him at all but they are happy that your happy. So they won't be in the way between you two.

Ghost face

Your parents almost die of laughter. Billy keep making jokes and funny references that everyone sides hurt from laughing so hard. Your parents like him so much and even call him son already. So you know that means wink wink.

Leather face

Let's see for Leather face was a challenge because your dad made some jokes that offended him. So you had to hold him back and calm him down. Lucky enough your dad apologized but leather face is still little bit mad at him.


Obviously he turn into his human disguise just for you. Since your mother is scared of clowns anyways. Now he did act nice and even help your mom with the dishes. While you wish he can done that in the house as well.

Hannibal Lector

Hannibal is always a true gentleman. Your parents love him from the beginning and they approve on your relationship with him. Which makes you and him very happy indeed.

Jack Torrance

You had to make sure that Jack didn't go crazy on your parents. So that was a huge challenge by itself as Jack was already stress enough about it. Yet he manage to stay calm with your help and got through the night. You did reward him after that.

Tex Sawyer

Kinda like his brother situation but he really wanted to punch your dad. For making jokes about him where not so friendly at all. You had to stop them both before stuff goes down.

Pyramid Head

Nope nope didn't happen and it couldn't happen. Besides you didn't want your mom to be accidentally raped by him. He's a freaking a rape demon people.


Now he does have cancer here. So your parents was very much understanding but they don't know his killing ways. Which is good at the least but they will support you two if you have trouble.


Okay this is interesting since his personality does change up a lot. Lucky for you it was Dennis that mainly was in control. Which you were okay since he does have nice manners sometimes. Your parents know his condition as you did tell them before hand. Yet they still approve him as they clearly see the love he have for you (and the others too).


This couldn't happen as he's a ghost and well dead to say at the least.


This didn't happen.

Patrick Bateman

He acted nice towards your parents even though he was nervous at first. Yet you give him the confidence that everything will be fine and it did.

Polite Leader

Your parents kinda already know before so it wasn't necessary to them but they did approve and they like him.

Vincent Sinclair

He couldn't do it at all poor thing he was so scared.

Brenda Bates

She wasn't nervous at all and actually had a blast with your parents. They enjoyed her company and they like her very much. So you didn't have to worry at all maybe just a little.


Didn't happen


Didn't happen

Carrie White

She was a nervous wreck like Norman about meeting your mother. As she meet her. Your mom was so nice and understanding of what happened to her. Minus the prom night killings. So Carrie wasn't nervous anymore after that which made you happy.

The Grudge (Kayako Saeki)

Again couldn't happen as she is a ghost.


He dress up all nice and act like a gentleman. While proving your father that he can take care and protect you. He help with your mom in the kitchen and even had fun with them. Your parents love him and approve your relationship.

Me : Hey guys I'm back sorry for being gone so long I just keeping this writer block but I hope you like this chapter

The slashers : We love you guys follow more to come and the new boyfriend scenario book

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