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@bieberiloveyou I don't know what to say but wtf is this? I thought Justin and Oliwia were together, but then we see Justin and fucking SOFIA RICHIE together? Plz kill me someone

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@bieberiloveyou I don't know what to say but wtf is this? I thought Justin and Oliwia were together, but then we see Justin and fucking SOFIA RICHIE together? Plz kill me someone

@bieberiloveyou I don't know what to say but wtf is this? I thought Justin and Oliwia were together, but then we see Justin and fucking SOFIA RICHIE together? Plz kill me someone

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@justin.bieber1994 okey, this is way over the line. You may be my biggest idol, but to be unfaithful with the world's biggest snake, no. Poor Oliwia :( Take yourself together son!!!

 Poor Oliwia :( Take yourself together son!!!

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@wearebeliebers1 no words left. All my thoughts to Oliwia actually. This was the LAST thing i thought about you Justin! :( And with Sofia. Omg.

@dailyupdatejdb Justin and Sofia Richie spotted out in Los Angeles, California, last night

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@dailyupdatejdb Justin and Sofia Richie spotted out in Los Angeles, California, last night. (August 2nd). / And I only posting this picture because you guys wanted to see it (how you now could miss it..). I don't really know what to say, i'm a belieber but i never thought Justin would do this to Oliwia. Those who seemed so good :-(. So please Justin, explain why you chosed to fuck up everything? Oliwia, i'm thinking about you <3

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