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@oliwiabieber Time flies! It feels like Jack was born yesterday

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@oliwiabieber Time flies! It feels like Jack was born yesterday. The truth is that he will be 5 months in two days. What?! #babybieber #jb I love my two boys most in the world <3

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@elvinharld Such a little cuitepie <33
@ilovejb Awww im dying, most loved baby on earth hahah👑
@erikastephanie Åhh hälsa min favvobebis att jag saknar honom <3
@oliwiabieber men gumman :-( @erikastephanie vi ses om 2 veckor <3333
@gabriellaosh Cute little Jack 😄
@hermanjoseph CUTE
@kendalljenner Omg what?! Already 5 months?!! Love you Jacki
@lindeolivia Söt som socker ju
@ritaora Oh how cute
@henryalexander Nawwwww⚡️
@kimkardashian yes, time flies. Cute little boy <3
@yllihuag China loves little Jack !! ❤️
@katepolly I wanna eat him tho
@juliabieberrrr I love him he is tooooo cute
@justinbieber I love you & Jack too, most in the world<3

@ritaora, @kendalljenner, @justinbieber, @madisonbeer och 1 346 172 andra gillar detta inlägg.



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