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Mel: so guys

BigBoyBeebs: no

Mel: you haven't even heard my idea yet so shut it urie

Mel: we need to add josh back and make him talk it out with Tyler

Ryry: that is a terrible idea


BigBoyBeebs has added dead to the chat

Dead: why am I here

Mel: you need to talk things out with Tyler

Dead: there's nothing to talk about

Tacoshell: yes there is, why have you been ignoring all my messages?

Dead: I'm surprised you noticed since you're always sucking Jenna's face off

BigBoyBeebs: SaLTy

Ryry: not now Brendon

Tacoshell: Jenna and I hardly kiss, why are you so angry I have a girlfriend? We never dated josh. I think you forget that sometimes.

Dead: you know what? Fuck you tyler. You broke my heart and ditched me for Jenna. I hate you so fucking much. Don't speak to me again.

Dead has left the chat

BigBoyBeebs: oh

Ryry: guess what guys

Gee: what

Ryry: i fucking hate myself

Joooon: same

BigBoyBeebs: my lips hurt

DallonLeekes: from sucking me too much

BigBoyBeebs: the only dick I suck is Ryan's

Ryry: 😘

DallonLeekes: you guys are gross

BigBoyBeebs: you asked for it

Gee: have any of you heard from josh

Ryry: I mean he didn't leave the chat too long ago

Gee: no like after that. He's changed his bio to 'nothing kills a man faster than his own head'

Tacoshell: wow that's really deep, it sounds nice

Gee: shut up Tyler. I didn't ask for your input.

Tacoshell has left the group

Gee: it's about fucking time

Ryry: well I think we should message him

Gee: I've tried. He didn't answer

Gee: I'm worried about him.

Frankey: should we go to his house to make sure he's okay?

Gee: yeah, meet me outside my house in 10 minutes, anyone else who wants to join us can


As the ten minute mark neared, the group had all gathered together it consisted of:


Josh's house was near Gerard's so they could walk there quickly, Frank knocked on the door and was greeted by a cheery Middle Aged woman "hi, can I help?" She asked. Gerard came to the front of the group, "we're looking for josh, is he in?" She suddenly looked really sad "oh honey, have you not heard the news? Josh is in hospital. He got in a car accident"

The group was shocked. They couldn't believe that their friend was in hospital. "Well can we visit him?" Dallon asked. "He's in such a bad state they won't allow any visitors, not even family. I'm sorry guys."

They all walked away in a glum mood. No one spoke and they all parted off to walk home.


BreezeInTheWind: how is he ?

BigBoyBeebs: he got in a car accident, he's in a bad condition and they won't allow any visitors, not even family.

Gee: this is Tyler's fault, if josh wasn't in such a bad state he wouldn't have got hit

BigBoyBeebs: well we can't go back in time so all we can do is hope

Halsey: awe Brendon is actually being nice for once

BigBoyBeebs: how about you shut the fuck up you little bitch

Halsey: how about you sort your massive forehead out bitch

BigBoyBeebs: Bitch

Ryry: calm down children

Halsey: don't tell me to calm down bitch

BigBoyBeebs: bitch

Ryry: please just stop

BigBoyBeebs: ugh fine

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