5: Heartbroken

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Star's POV
When the portal opened, it revealed..
"Toffee?!" I said.
Marco looked furious.
"Ah, yes, princess Butterfly." Toffee said, with a huge smirk.
"Everyone! Please leave immediately! I can handle this." I shouted.
Everyone went screaming and ran to hiding spots or their cars.
Marco has his karate pose ready to help me.
"Marco! Please hide too. I don't want you to get hurt!" I said.
"Star, no! I will always be by your side! I don't want you to get hurt again!" Marco said.
"Please, GO! I can't risk losing you!" I shouted.
"But I can't risk losing you!" Marco stated.
"Haven't you forgotten? I've gotten more powerful." Toffee said.
And just like that, there was a huge powerful beam that almost hit me, but I've got fast reflexes.
I turned my wand into a shield to protect me.
"Marco! Please, trust me! I've got this!"
"I'll be near you if you need help!" He said.

When my shield couldn't hold it any longer, I turned it off and use my powerful spells on him.
"Rainbow fist punch!" I yelled.
Toffee dodged the punch, and came closer to me. "Mega narwhal blast!" I yelled once more.
One of them stabbed Toffee on the chest. Then, there was a hole.
The hole disappeared, his skin grew back.
"What?" I said.

"I don't think you can defeat me, princess." Toffee said.
After that, he shot another long green beam at me, he aimed it directly on my head.
I fell on the floor.
Toffee kept using beams to shoot me. I couldn't get up. I was too weak.
It felt like I was in a bad car crash.
After that, everything just went black.

Marco's POV
I saw Star, on the floor, bleeding. She had scratches everywhere.
"Star! No!" I went to grab her.
"What have you done with her?" I shouted, almost crying.
Toffee said, "Well, look like my work here is done."
Then, he just disappeared.

"Star! Please, don't.." I was crying at this point.
I held Star's hand, hoping she will wake up. She never did.
"You.. forgot to tell me what you were going to say.." I said.
I don't want to lose her, because I've also wanted to tell her something.
I called 911, and they came right away.
The police told me, "What is her name?"
I said, "Star." wiping away my tears.
"Don't worry. We'll take her to the hospital." Then they brought out the bed for her to lay on.
I grabbed her hand again. "Please.. don't go."
I rode in the ambulance with her.
If I lose you, I'll only blame myself.

When we arrived, they took Star into one of the rooms.
The nurses told me I couldn't go in.
"Sorry, sir. Only close people to her are allowed to visit her right now." She said.
"But I'm her.. uh.." I said.
The nurse raised her eyebrow and said, "boyfriend?"
I blushed. "Um.. yeah. So when can I visit her?"
"You can come tomorrow. Just tell one of the nurses you're here boyfriend." She said.
I cringed at that word.
"Okay." I said.
I called my parents to pick me up. After that, I told them everything that happened. They comforted me, while I was crying.
I have to pretend to be Star's boyfriend. It's the only way I can actually visit her.
It's not a bad idea to not pretend though.
Wait, what? Ugh, my feelings are just so confusing.

My parents and I drove back home. When we arrived, I got dressed and brushed my teeth. It was depressing to see Star wasn't beside me, we usually brush our teeth together.
After I was done, I went to bed, thinking about Star.
Her favorite song, her favorite color, her favorite outfit, I know everything about her. I'm really hoping she will be alright.
I wiped away a few tears in my eyes, and fell asleep.


The next morning, I woke up late. Good thing it was a Saturday.
"11 am already?" I said.
"How come I didn't wake up earlier?" Then I remembered.
Star is in the hospital. She was my alarm clock every morning. It always works and I'm always happy to see her in the morning.
But today, she's not here.

When I went downstairs, my mom and my dad were there waiting for me.
My mom said, "So, you wanna go to the hospital to visit Star?"
"Yeah. Let's go." I told them.


I told the nurse I was Star's "boyfriend" and I walked in.
She was closing her eyes, like she was sleeping. The nurse came in and talked to be about Star.
"Okay, Marco, this may be hard for you, but Star is in.." the nurse started.
"In?" I asked?
"Star is in a coma. She has been hurt severely in the head. She will wake up in about two to four weeks." The nurse said.
Those words broke me.
How am I ever going live a long time without her bubbly personality?
How am I going to survive school without her?
I started tearing up bit, followed by a sniffle.
"It'll be alright. You can visit her any time you want to." The nurse told me.
"Thank you." I said.
The nurse left Star and I alone.
I went over to her and just looked at her. Her hearts were still that bright pink, and her hair was still a beautiful blond.
"Oh Star, please wake up soon." I said. "Because there is something I want to tell you too."

I just sat there for a really long time, playing flashbacks in my head of our fun times together.


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