6: Flashbacks

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Marco's POV (Present)
"I remember that time I went to the carnival with Star. It was one of the best days ever." I held Star's
hand as I was remembering that one fun day.
Maybe my feelings aren't confusing as I thought they were. I want to tell her how I feel, hoping that'll be soon.


Star's POV (Past)
"Hey kids! Want to come with us to the carnival?" Mr. Diaz called out.
Marco came running downstairs. "Of course!"
"Carnival? What is that?" I asked Marco.
"Well, it's like a big fair with tons of rides, and of course, lots of food!" Marco said.

"Ooh okay! Let me go get changed." I said.
I rushed upstairs and went to my closet. I decided to wear a maroon skirt with a red shirt. I tied my hair to a pony tail and got a hat. Then, I decided to wear some flats for shoes.
I went downstairs and we all went to car.

10 minutes into the drive, Mrs. Diaz said, "Want the radio on?"
Marco said, "Okay. We needed something to break the silence anyways."
I just looked outside the window enjoying the nice view.
I looked at Marco, he had the window half way open. His messy brown hair flowing with the wind.
He's so adorable. I can't wait to go on rides with him.
Then, a song on the radio had me amazed.
"Give me reasons to believe, that you would do the same for me, and I would do it for you, for you.. baby I'm not moving on I love you long after you're gone.."
"Hey Marco, what song is this?" I asked.
Marco pulled out his phone and held it close to the speaker.
After 25 seconds, he said, "It's called, 'Gone, Gone, Gone' by Phillip Phillips."
"Well, this has been my new favorite song. I love it."
I said.
"You're my backbone, you're my cornerstone, you're my crutch when my legs stop moving.. you're my head start, you're my rugged heart.. you're the poles I've always needed.."
Then I started singing along.
Marco looked over at me, and I looked over at him. We smiled at each other.


"Let's go on this one!" I said, taking his arm and pulling him.
"This ride was like a ride where you can see the view of the whole park. We sit next to each other on a high track and pedal the little car to keep going. We can then just enjoy the view." Marco explained.
"Oh, awesome!" I said. Then we got in line.

When it was our turn, we got into one of the little cars. We pedaled so we can move on the high tracks.

"You know Star, this is quite peaceful." Marco said.
I looked at his soft, brown eyes.
"Yep." I said.
Star, maybe this is time you tell Marco you like him.  Maybe. I don't know yet. Ugh, Star, get yourself back together.
I smiled at Marco, then I hugged him, which surprised him.
He hugged back.
"Why the surprise hug?" He asked.
"Because I don't want to ever leave you. And also, why not? We are besties." I said.
Marco chuckled at that. "I'm always here for you."


Marco's POV (Past)
It was about 7:30 pm, and it was getting pretty dark.
"Hey Star, you wanna get some food before we meet my parents?"
"Sure." She said.
We decided to eat some burritos at a Mexican stand.
"Don't sugar coat yours again, Star." I said, laughing.
"Nah, I won't this time. I realize running away is harder than you think." She said. "I don't want to break another police car." I smiled at her.

After we were done eating, we met my parents at the Ferris wheel.

"Last ride?" Mrs. Diaz said.
"Okay!" Star said. "Come on, Marco."
"Meet us here when you're done." Mr. Diaz said.
When Mr. and Mrs. Diaz went on one of the carts of the Ferris wheel, it was Star and I's turn to sit on the cart and enjoy the scenic view.

"Isn't this fun, Marco?" Star said.
"It's slow, but indeed, I love the view." I said.

Star's POV (Past)
Now is the time, Star. Confess. Get it over with. Hope Marco likes me back.
I tapped Marco on the shoulder.
He looked at me and raised and eyebrow.
"Hey, you okay? You look nervous." Marco said.
"Well.. I.. uhm.. need to tell you something." I said, nervously.
"Okay. Go ahead, I'm listening." He said.
"I.. umm.." I started
Abort! Abort! I can't do this now! Hurry and think of something else!
"I.. can't tell you now." I said.
"Why not?" Marco said.
"Because I guess I'm not really comfortable right now. When I feel ready, I'll tell you."
"Well, okay." He said.
I smiled at him. "Thank you for understanding."


When we got home, I went to go change into my pajamas and brush my teeth.
When I got into my bed, Marco knocked at my door, and then slightly opened it.
"Night, Star." He told me.
"Goodnight Marco." I said to him.
Then, he closed the door.

~~End of flashback~~

Marco's POV
I looked back at Star.
There are so many things I want to tell you.


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