14: Lurking Danger

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Star's POV
My dress had scratches everywhere from running. My parents and I are in the woods, trying to escape from Eclipsa.

"Mom?!" I asked, frantically.
"I'm here!" She said.

"Be quieter, I don't want her to catch us." She whispered to me.
"Mom, why is Eclipsa even chasing after us?! We never have done anything to her!" I said.
My mom sighed.
"Toffee and Eclipsa work together to get what they want. I'm pretty sure Toffee wants his finger back."

"Why does she even want to work with Toffee?!" I asked her.

"For money, Star. What do you think?" She told me.
"Oh. Makes sense, I guess." I said.

"It's a good thing I still have my dimensional scissors." My dad said quietly.

He cut up a portal and we all went back home quietly.

Only it wasn't at home.

We entered a dark cave.
"Hmm, I'm usually more accurate with these sci-" my dad started. Then he got pulled by something.
"Dad!" I said.

We looked up to see the obvious.

"I've been expecting you."

Marco's POV
It was about 7:30 pm when I heard a knock on the door.
I opened it to see Janna and Oskar.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Come on, Marco. You need to have some fun tonight instead of staying home alone moping around because your girlfriend left." Janna said.

"Ugh, fine." I said.

"Yay! How about we head to Oskar's place? He's throwing a party there." She said.
"Yeah, it'll be epic." Oskar told me.

"Okay, let's go." I said to them.

We got into Oskar's car and drove to his place.

It only took us 10 minutes to get to his house.
I already heard loud music from inside when we were entering his neighborhood.
We got out of his car and entered the house.

There were many sophomores and juniors.
"Well, this place is ridiculously loud." I said.

"What do you expect? It's a party." Janna said.

"Come on, let's go where the food is." She said, taking my arm.
"Just clear your mind for tonight and have some fun." Janna told me, handing me a plate of tacos.

"Okay." I told her.
I found some of my friends there, so I had only some people to talk to.
"Hey Ferguson! What brings you to Oskar's party?" I asked him.
"There's good food in every party. Come on, you know me!" He said, laughing.

I started a good conversation with Alfonzo and Ferguson. We played some games, laughed, talked, and made some new friends with the sophomores.

I was actually having a good time.

After a while, I told Ferguson I would be outside to take in some fresh air.

I opened the door, with fruit punch in my hand.
When I looked up in the sky, I saw the moon, red as blood.
"What the.." I said.

I called Janna to come outside if she sees this.
When she came outside, I said to her, "Do you see the moon? Is it red to you?"

"Uhh.. no. It's just a glowing white. You must be tired, let's get you home." Janna said, pulling my arm.

I let go.

"Wait. If you don't see the moon is red, then that means.." I started.

I started thinking about the last time I saw the moon glow a bright red.

I remembered.

"Star.." I started. "She's in.. trouble. The last time I saw this red moon, she was being attacked by Ludo."

"Well, go after her! She's yours after all." Janna told me.

"Okay. Tell Oskar I need him to drive me back home!" I told her.

She went inside and called Oskar.
"Hey, can you drop me off at my house?" I told him.

"Okay. Get in the car." He said.

Finally, we arrived back home.
"Thanks Oskar!" I called out. Then he drove away.

I rushed inside and I noticed my parents weren't there.

I found a note on the fridge.

Your dad and I are going to be out for the night so we can enjoy ourselves too.
When you're back from the party, there's some food in the fridge if you're still hungry!

I put the note on the counter and went to my room.
I looked everywhere for my dimensional scissors.
After a while of ruining my clean table, I found them in a drawer.

Finally, I found them.
I cut up a portal and stepped in.

I was in front of the Butterfly castle.
When I was walking to the entrance, I saw many Mewnians looking at me, whispering.

"Isn't that the Earth boy Ruberiot talked about?" One of them said.
"Maybe the future king of Mewni?"

I finally arrived at the front gate.
There were guards there.
"Umm.. hello. I was wondering where princess Star is?" I said to them.
"Hmm. You must be Prince Marco. The one Star is in love with?" He said.
"Yeah.. I guess." I said.
I could feel my face get hot.

"Well, the royal family hasn't arrived yet. We don't know where they are right now." He told me.

Welp. Where am I supposed to find her now? I know she's in danger!

"Well, thanks anyways." Then I walked back to the forest to cut up a portal to try and figure out where Star was.
I saw a mysterious black figure, approaching me.
"Huh?" I said.

Then, I felt something strangling me.
I couldn't escape from it.
"Hello, dear." A mysterious female voice said.
"Who are you?" I said in a scared tone.

"Eclipsa. Queen of Darkness." She then appeared, having a huge smirk on her face.
"What do you want from me?" I said to her.

"I know that you are here because you know Star is danger." A small portal appeared, like the one when she was finding Glossaryk using the spying spell.

I saw Star, she was with her mom, tied up in a dungeon. She looked very tired, and I saw she had so many scrapes and had small wounds everywhere.

"Star!" I yelled.

"If you give me your soul, Star will be set free." She started.
"What if I don't?" I asked.

"She will die." Eclipsa told me.

I gasped.
"Have you made your decision?" She said.

"Fine. Take my soul." I told her.
I was very close to crying.

I'd rather die. Just for Star.

"Very well." She said.
Then, everything went black.


Hehe, this story is about to get very interesting. I don't even know where it's going XD
I guess it'll be a long book :p
There will be Starco moments in the next chapter or two! Don't worry! :D
As always, I'll see ya in the next.

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