heart broken

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Shivaay dragged the frozen Anika towards his car and pushed her inside.
He drove towards a Villa he bought in the outskirts of the city and no body knows about this place not even om and rudra.
Once he reached the Villa he dragged Anika by her wrist towards his place, all along Anika was trying to come out of his grip but was not successful.
He brought her inside the room.
S- Anika now onwards you have to live in this place jab tak main chahoon as my wife. You will not go outside, will not meet or talk to anyone and off course you will not meet oops not able to meet your filthy lovers. Whatever you want you will get here except freedom. Did you get it??
Anika saw this man and thought is he for real.. How could he take decisions for her life.
A- Do you think me of a fool Mr Oberoi, you are no one to decide what should I do and what I should not.you have forcefully married me I am not your wife nobody knows that, That Tia is your wife who is in that mansion of yours, So release me I need to go and don't to you dare point finger against my character you beast, when right now you are yourself not showing any ounce of a character.
Rage filled Shivay's eyes hearing this, he pulled her towards himself and painfully encased her arms and said Mrs Anika Oberoi you are not going anywhere if you want your brother to be happy and safe. You have no house, I will make sure you don't get any job and loose custody of your brother within snap of my fingers and don't forget this will ultimately lead to your brother's pain and suffering.i know you want to go to your lovers but the thing that belongs to me even though it doesn't have class I don't allow it to covert around and loiter in filth so dear wifey you gonna live here till I decide to release you.
Anika was bewildered and shocked and asked him" Why are you doing this please for godsake release me, I need nothing ,just stay away from me and my brother you can't hold me as a hostage over here. What big mistake I have done?? She started crying wrenching Shivay's heart but he kept his face frigid and impassive with no warmth in his bluish eyes

S-Anika you know what you have no class but I want you but whole world can't know, that I want a middle class girl with no pedigree and lineage.
You will live with me forever bas koi Jaan nahi payega.
Anika just started hitting him with her tiny fists crying and sobbing, pleading and begging but Shivay didn't break his resolve and asked her to accept her fate, live with his this obsession,not able to take this heart break she fainted and got lost in oblivion in his waiting arms.

Sorry for typing mistakes I am actually using my cell phone
Updates are slower cause I have a hectic work schedule
Love you all😘

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