Tattered soul of an angel

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Anika was numb..she didn't knew what to feel,she had to give herself to him,anika was inexperienced she knew nothing about it apart fron the basic theory behind man and wife's intimate relationship.
She never had time for boyfriend or flirting or romance,her life was full of hurdles and responsibilities,just once she felt something for someone and that someone was shivay singh oberoi and he broke her into pieces and now he wants her physical submission.
Anika was scared beyond limts,she cant give her innocence to a man who forced her into marriage,who consider her a roadside trash,a slut a characterless gold-digger but yet again she was helpless ,she didn't knew what to do???
seeing her lost and sad shivay ordered her to eat.
S- anika suna nahi.eat right now and then will move forward of my demands for tonight.i dont have lots of time to waste on you,so eat fast and change..seeing her not responding he shouted on her.anika i said it or i will force the food down your mouth.
Scared anika started eating her hands were shivering.
She could not eat much.
A- I am full,i cant eat anymore
S-Stared into her eyes and then gave her the packet with the saree and bangles,go and get ready and dont you dare to remove the symbols of our marriage..samjhi tum.
Anika took the packet and with wobbly steps moved inside the washroom.
Seeing herself in mirrior she started sobbing
Hearing her sobs shivays screamed from outside to hurry up.
She took bath and got ready ,put the vermillion on her forehead,she did'nt wanted but she has to and decided she has to give herself to him for her lil brother sahil..she has no options left but she was scared very scared with the thought of physical intimacy with this ruthless beast.
She came out of the washroom..hearing the click shivay turned around and was dumbstruck seeing the beauty in red and blue.
Tonight he is going to stake his claim on her...she will become Mrs Anika Shivay singh Oberoi for ever.
He started coming toward her in a predatory manner and saw her shivering and walking backwards.
Both of them halted when she has no place to move.shivay kept his hands on either sides of her head and observed her shivering form and smirked
S-Why so scared wifey,its not your first time i guess oops i know that u have done this million of times for money.This time it will be a  legal sin,got it.
Anika stared with him with her tear filled eyes..disgusted he thinks of her so cheap.
S- Aww dont cry after tonight u will always be mine,no more loitering in filth and with that he kissed her passionately and picked her in his arms and laid her down on bed.
Then started ubwrapping her saree ,she was scared like hell and tried to protest but with every protest he kissed her brutally and ordered to be calm if she wants her lil brother safe.Anika obliged whatever he said and lied silently but at one point when he was on verge of finally destroying her, she started pushing his chest he held her hands above her head and destroyed her innocence her virtue ruthlessly
Anika uttered a painful cry, within few minutes many things happened
Shivay came to know about her ripped innocence,it dawned on him that she did not slept with daksh nor any one and he was her first and she was his exclusively and this knowledge boosted his obssession for her that anika is just his,his blue eyes became  black with desire and he bent down and captured her painful sob in a shattering kiss and then leased his dominance on her licking her tears and peppered kisses on her face and neck,not for once he apolosized to her for comparing her to a characterless woman,he was just happy that she was just his,so he kept on destroying her all while the feeling her and kissing her.
Anika has stopped protesting lying like a broken doll,feeling mentally and physically humilated and pained.She was wishing for this torture to end somehow ,she has no strength left in her,she just wanted to cuddle her lil brother, curl up on bed and sleep but beast was unstoppable.
Finally it came to an end.He left her hands which has pieces of broken red bangles stuck to her bleeding wrist.
Shivay kissed her again on forhead and lips than removed pieces if bangle from her wrists ,wiped the blood and her cheeks and uttered mine just mine.
S- Mrs Anika oberoi aaj se tum meri huyi.Only i have right on you.
Kaash tm Tia k jagah hoti high class and blue blood hoti, toh sabke saamne bata pata u r mine but koi nahi abhi bhi tum surf meri ho.Now stop crying take rest and clean up urself.
I will be going and come tomorrow,Anika shivered again in fear listening him.
S- Dont worry it will not hurt like this after dis,u will come to enjoy it.He once again kissed her shivering lips said thanku,covered her up with the duvet.
Shivay stood up to get dressed, all the while  seeing her curled and sobbing form under the blanket while dressing up.
He picked her fallen earing kept inside his pocket and than sat beside her to find that she was sleeping with dried tear marks on her face.
He was happy that he was the one to own her and he at once decided Anika will forever live here as his wife without any one' s knowledge.
He kissed her hair  and half heartedly went towards his car to leave for oberoi mansion, leaving a violated and broken angel behind.

Hey beautiful people sorry for being left.😀
Well i am not good at writing matured content.
Hope u all will like.
I dont support forced relationships but its just a story
Be sure i will not romanticize it.
Coz forced relations are painful even if two people are married.
Drop ur comments and tc😘😘

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