Broken by monster

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Lying on bed anika was thrashing her legs and was pleading and crying in sleep to end the torture.Tears were rolling from  her eyes but there was no one to release her from this pain and misery.
With one heart wrenching scream she woke up and found herself lying on bed with duvet on her.Every inch of her body was aching and her heart was bleeding,she realised what has happened previous night.The flashbacks made her dizzy and she started sobbing.
She somehow  managed to stand wrapping the sheets around her and reached the door while limping and closed it,scared that monster will be back.Anika dragged herself to washroom abd saw herself in mirror and the remaining residues of her control shattered and the dam broke she cried and cried like there was no tomorrow.
Shivay was successful in breaking the fiesty ,lively yet innocent anika into beaten and trampled mess .
She bathed herself trying to remove his touch and kisses but she knew nothing can remove it ,his touch breath and kisses were embedded in her soul like thorns and making it bleed.She came out wearing the same red kurta but didn't removed the symbols of their marriage because her this step will cost life of her brother .
She was scared of bed but she still sat there resting her head on the headrest.
She was staring towards the wall,her adomen was paining,well it was now less painful as compared to the first time when shivay snatched her innocence.
Maid knocked her room for breakfast and lunch but she didn't replied
She had no interest on food,she wanted to meet her brother and then kill herself.
She sobbed on irony of  the situation that she cant even kill herself,she has to breathe through this hell for her little brother.
Anika was shocked that she has lost her everything,that she was forced by the man whom she gave her heart.
Her sacrifice,her love,her care for him did not matter to shivay.she was a rag doll to be mutilated,to be used and thrown like a low life trash.
She has no right on her own body and life because she does not have billions in her vault.
Even for a moment if she closes her eyes she can feel shivay's forceful touch on her body.
Why was she so helpless?why she has to bear this pain.
Just because she doesnt have surnane attached to herself,she was destined to be raped, humilated and tortured by the rich businessman.
Does marriage gave the right to force and torture your own wife.
Anika was scared what her things stored for her  in future when shivay will return back.
These thoughts made her more sad she started sobbing dreading the return of monster.

Love u guys😘
Sorry for being late

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