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Stiles was extremely annoyed. The group of friends he had come with had ditched him in a bar earlier that night. Sadly, he forgot that they were his ride in the first place. Well, they weren't exactly friends, Stiles honestly couldn't even remember their names.

There he was, alone on the unforgiving streets of New York, trying to catch a ride home in a cab which he knew was impossible at this point.

Stiles sighed and rubbed his hands together for some warmth. The city seemed to never sleep. The warm lights twinkling inside apartments shined onto the pavement below, lighting a pathway for Stiles to follow.

Three months. It had been three months since Stiles and his father had moved to New York.

Nothing supernatural had happened since his arrival. Well, as far as he knew.

He kept in touch with Scott. Apparently some hideous creatures that called themselves the 'Dread Doctors' showed up in Beacon Hills. It kept his friend pretty busy.

Stiles groaned and kicked a rock that was a few feet away. He still couldn't believe his dad had taken him away from his home. Stiles was just starting to get the courage to come out to his family and friends. Now, in a new place, all of his confidence has kinda gone down the drain.

"Hey baby, what are you doing out here?" A man's voice called out from down the street.

He obviously couldn't be talking to Stiles. He kept his head down crossed over to the other side of the street.

"Aw, where are you going?" The man's voice followed him along with footsteps. Well shit.

Stiles sped up a little, more scared than confused at this point.

"I can show you a good time, ya know. You don't need to run." The man's footsteps sped up a little.

Oh hell to the no, Stiles picked up his pace some more. He was a good five blocks away from his apartment. He needed to get somewhere safe, and fast.

Stiles ducked into an alleyway and began to sprint. He didn't know if this guy had friends or if he was just some drunk who had mistaken Stiles for a pretty girl that turned him down at a club.

Stiles kept running and didn't look back. He kept going until a dark, hooded figure stepped into his path, "Where are you heading off to?"

Stiles nearly slipped as he tried to stop. "P-Please just let m-me get home. My dad is worried." He stuttered out.

The figure stepped closer, removing his hood. The man look to be in his mid-twenties. He had a scowl that looked premantly etched into his face with eyes that were as black as coal. He had a proud smirk playing on his pale lips as he spoke again, "You're very pretty, you know that right?"

Stiles heart was pounding. He had never felt this type of vulnerability before. He had always had Scott to have his back or Lydia and Malia. He knew he could at least get a few good punches in but...against something supernatural, he was practically dead already.

Stiles had to slow his thinking down. This person didn't show any signs of being supernatural. He shouldn't automatically jump to that conclusion.

"I need to go home," Stiles said firmly.

One second the man was a few feet away. The next he had Stiles's hands pinned against the brick wall, his body stilling the younger boy's movements.

"You can spare a few minutes, can't you? I just want to get a good look at you. See what all the fuss is about. You're very popular. Stiles Stilinski. The one who turned down the bite. The one who murdered innocent people without knowing." He said as he ran his hands up and down Stiles's arms, almost as if he was trying to get him to calm down. "I mean, I know you didn't mean to do the second thing obviously. I still don't get why Deucalion wants you though. I mean, why not go after the Alpha ?" The man muttered to himself.

Stiles's blood ran cold. "D-Deucalion said he wouldn't mess with Scott's pack anymore."

"Ah, but you aren't apart of his pack anymore. You left. If you were an actual wolf, you'd be labelled as an omega." The older man explained gently. "And your stuttering is very cute by the way."

Stiles ducked his head down in defeat. He still didn't know what this man, well thing, wanted or why it wouldn't let him go.

"You already turned down the bite of a werewolf. Would you turn down the bite of a vampire?" The man's eyes had an evil glint in them. "Live forever. Never have to worry about dying. All of the benefits in that are quite obvious."

"Y-Yes, I would, don't! Please!" Stiles couldn't help how shakey his voice had become.

"You don't know what it's like. You don't know what you're refusing here, gorgeous." He continued to pur into Stiles's ear.

"He said no, vampire." Oh thank god.

The man whipped his head around, "What's it to you, Shadowhunter? This has nothing to do with your kind." Shadowhunter?

Stiles's took this opportunity and screamed, "Help! This guy jumped me!" He began to thrash around under the man's grip.

"Let him go, Josh. You're breaking the Accords." The strong male voice said louder this time.

Stiles couldn't see the figure, but he prayed that they wouldn't leave him here alone.

Josh's grip only tightened on Stiles. His nails digging into his flesh causing the younger boy to cry out in pain.

"He's mine, Lightwood. He was in my territory." Josh growled viciously.

"He's a dumb kid. Put him down or I'll have to kill you."

"What about the precious Accords? 'Alexander Lightwood is willing to break a rule for a worthless mundane?'" Josh began to taunt Stiles's potential rescuer.

"The Accords have been changed, as you may recall. You're putting a mundane's life in danger. You've got five seconds before my patience runs out."

Stiles squeezed his eyes shut. He didn't want to watch what happened next.

"Next time I catch you alone, you're all mine." Josh said right before he stormed away.

Stiles collapsed in relief. He couldn't believe he was actually still alive.

"Are you okay, mundane?" Someone's voice was looming over him.

"He's obviously not, Alec. Be nice." A female voice shushed him.

Stiles felt someone's warm hands lift up the sleeves of his shirt, "Josh left marks on him. That can't be good."

Stiles's head was foggy with drowsiness. All he could make out was a tall boy leaning over him and a girl lingering in the background.

"Hey. Stay awake, okay? Izzy, we've got to bring him to the Institute. Tell Jace to meet us there." Stiles felt steady arms lift him off the ground before he succumbed to darkness.

Don't Let Me Go (Stalec)Where stories live. Discover now