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Alec wasn't a fan of missions anymore.

"Clary wants a cat," Jace sighed, "but I want a dog. Church has always hated me."

Alec ignored Jace's whining, gathering his things for the assignment they had been given.

"Why don't you both compromise and get a hamster or something?" His sister suggested and Alec let out a quiet chuckle." When is Clary coming back by the way?" Izzy asked. Alec tuned them out.

He just wanted to get this run over with. It was just a routine call, demons spotted three blocks from the Institute. Alec didn't feel up to this at all.

It had been almost five months since Magnus left. After everything that happened with Sebastian, the Clave became more and more paranoid. They started to question whether or not the downworlders (not including Seelies, obviously) were sending Shadowhunter secrets to Sebastian which gave him the upper hand at one point.

The Clave began to point their accusations towards Magnus. Even if it wasn't true, and in Alec's eyes nothing the Clave charged him with was just, the Shadowhunters' government still found a way to blame the warlock.

Everyone turned on him. Except the Lightwoods. Except for Alec.

Magnus was eventually forced into hiding. The Clave had a warrant out for his arrest. The day he left kept replaying in Alec's head.

"I'll be back soon, Alexander. I'm not letting you go that easily," Magnus had whispered softly, his hands gently caressing Alec's face.

"You don't have to go, Magnus. You can stay, we'll protect you. We can...you can't leave me," Alec remembered how desperate he was. He shouldn't have to leave. Magnus was innocent, spending all of his free time helping Alec's friends during Sebastian's era of terror. But the Clave was beyond reason, frantically grabbing at straws, looking for someone to blame for their own mistakes.

Magnus smiled, "Goodbye, my brave Shadowhunter." He gently kissed Alec's forehead and hugged his boyfriend close to his chest, "I love you."

Magnus disappeared into thin air before Alec could respond.

Alec had raced over to Magnus's loft, not believing that he would actually leave so abruptly. But it wasn't Magnus's apartment anymore. An old woman named Clara Moss answered the door, claiming that she had been living there for the past month. Alec didn't argue with the woman. He apologized, the reality of the situation finally hitting him. Magnus was gone.

"Clary is with Simon. Luke set up a meeting with the council about the increasingly large amount of demon attacks recently," Jace continued. Alec's jaw locked.

About a week after Magnus's departure, the Clave suddenly decided to drop all of the charges and claimed that it was a 'misunderstanding.' What a load of bull.

They never found any proof that tied Magnus to Sebastian. As soon as Alec heard, he couldn't help his excitement. Magnus could finally come back to him.

But...he didn't. A week passed and no word from Magnus. Surely he would've heard the news by now. Right?

After a month of waiting, Alec received a mysterious letter, addressed to him specifically. 'Demons won't be your only problem, Nephilim. Not even your warlock can save you from this one.'

Alec knew he should've told someone but he didn't. This person might have something to do with Magnus's disappearance. It sounded far fetched of course, but Alec needed to have something to hold onto.

Jace was still talking but Alec interrupted whatever he was rambling on about, "It's funny how they'll let a werewolf, who basically raised Valentine's daughter, just waltz right into Idris. Yet, they accuse Magnus, who has done nothing but help us, of trying to help take over the world without even meeting with him." Alec somehow managed to piss himself off.

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