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Jocelyn's screams echoed in Alec's head. It had been hours since Luke finally showed up and helped carefully move Clary's body. The Institute droned with silence now, meaning that maybe Scott had successfully calmed Jace down.

Stiles disappeared the moment they got back. It rubbed Alec the wrong way, truthfully. He knew he shouldn't blame the mundane, but Clary...
He pushed back a wave of tears, refusing to let the reality hit him: Clary wasn't going to come back.

Alec forlornly walked back to his room. Stiles lifted his head up groggily when Alec entered, "Oh, hey..."

The Shadowhunter's anger and turmoil vanished almost. Stiles had nestled himself up between the covers and Alec envied the peaceful look on his face, "Hey Stiles," He said sadly.

Stiles's eyes went wide, "Oh god, I'm so sorry. I got really turned around and ended up just passing out, let me-"

"It's fine. I can find another room, I'm glad you got some rest," Alec half smiled. He couldn't even begin to explain how he was feeling, and adding in the odd attraction towards Stiles was only going to make his brain hurt more than his heart already did.

The remorse on Stiles's face forced Alec to turn away, "I'm just gonna grab a change of clothes and I'll be out of your hair."

The mundane turned bright red, and it almost forced a chuckle from Alec's lips. He quickly grabbed a pair of grey sweats from his closet, "I want you to know...what happened to Clary, it wasn't your fault."

Stiles couldn't hold eye contact, "I know, I understand..." Neither of them were convinced as Alec headed out to search for another empty bedroom.


"I want a blood contract," Deucalion came from out around a corner. "You've been known to have some loyalty issues when it comes to things like this," the Alpha pulled out a piece of paper.

"You doubt my loyalty to you? One of my oldest friends?" Magnus didn't look up from the spell he was working on, "I wouldn't waste this type of magic on just anyone. I don't sign contracts. An old vampire lover taught me the hard way."

Magnus's cat eyes flickered to the werewolf's face, "All I ask for is Alexander and the Stilinski boy unharmed. If you deliver on your half, so shall I."

Deucalion paused, "You aren't worried about your kind? Or the other Downworlders?" The werewolf had no genuine sympathy in his voice, "What about your Shadowhunter friends?"

Nothing mattered anymore, Magnus had given up the hope of ever returning. Especially after finding out about the letter Deucalion had sent to Alec. His return would've rose more suspicion than celebration, or at least that's what he had convinced himself with. "I've lost everything because of the Clave," Magnus snapped himself out of his thoughts. "You don't have to worry about me, old friend."


I'm back, it's short and there's probably grammar errors, I'm so sorry lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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