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Jace wouldn't let go of Clary the entire way home. It was obvious she had been gone for a while. Alec felt as bad as Jace did, Clary was his friend after all. Luke called Alec a few minutes after Clary's murder. He had finally composed himself enough to find Jocelyn and contact his pack. Alec didn't have the heart to tell him what happened, he couldn't even admit it to himself.

They were met at the door by a rattled Allison, "I was hoping she was wrong.." Her face fell further when she spotted Clary's lifeless body. She turned away, walking back to wherever Lydia and Izzy were.

"I'm gonna go now Clary," Jace's small voice echoed off the Institute's walls. Scott and Stiles stood back silently, tears rolling down the mundane's cheeks. Jace carefully stroked his girlfriend's hair before giving her a kiss on the forehead, barely holding in a sob that was obviously trying to escape. Alec wanted to cry. He was going to cry. But not here, not now.

His brother shakily rose to his feet, "I'm going to call Jocelyn. Someone should try and find Simon," was all he could say as tears began to spill out of his eyes. The blonde Shadowhunter quickly turned his back and crept slowly to his room.

"Will he be alright?" Scott broke the now tense silence. Alec shook his head, "We have to be." But he knew his brother better. He was destroyed. And Alec didn't even know where to start putting him back together.

"I'm so sorry," Stiles's raspy voice spoke up. Scott immediately began to protest because it wasn't Stiles's fault. But Alec couldn't find it in himself to assure Stiles before he left the room with Scott on his heels.

"Hail and farewell," Alec dropped to his knees in front of his friend's cold body. He didn't even hear his mom come in. Maryse slowly knelt down next to her son, "How's Jace?"

Alec scoffed, his own eyes now welling up with tears, "It hasn't even hit him yet."

Maryse nodded as they both stood back up, "Has her mother been notified?"

"Jace has it covered," Alec spat, storming off to his room. Clary, the most beautiful soul with the kindest heart, murdered. Deucalion would pay. Alec will make sure of it.


He felt it the moment it happened.

Hot, icy pain spread throughout his body. He stumbled, a shocked gasp escaping his lips, "What the hell?!" His parabatai rune began to glow a dark, ominous shade of red; like a hot iron had been pressed into his wrist. He couldn't hold himself up anymore, the pain intensifying all over his body.

Now, on his knees, he could feel the rune burning. "Help..." He had never experienced this before. Simon was new to Shadowhunting and all but he was pretty sure that runes weren't suppose to do this. Unless... "Clary!" He screamed. His parabatai rune was gone now but the awful sensation continued to pulse through his veins.

"No..." Something was wrong. Simon knew he needed to get to his parabatai but his head felt so light and the sky began to swirl. His body felt fuzzy and he wanted nothing more in the world than to sleep.

So he did.


Sooo....long time no update huh :/

I just now got back online today so I'm trying to make an updating schedule but everything's up in the air.

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